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____________ Relationships of Vertebrate Animals to this Plant: ____________ |
Rosa multiflora (Multiflora Rose) [Rosaceae] (observations are from Korschgen, DeGraaf, Best, Heckscher, DeVore et al., Myers et al., and Schneider et al.) Birds Cardinalidae: Cardinalis cardinalis (Northern Cardinal) [feeds on rose hips & uses this shrub for protective cover & nest sites] DGr2002; Emberizidae: Melospiza melodia (Song Sparrow) [feeds on rose hips & uses this shrub for protective cover & nest sites] DGr2002, Passerina iliaca (Fox Sparrow) [feeds on the rose hips] Dv2004, Spizella pusilla (Field Sparrow) [3.1% of nests are supported by this woody plant in Illinois] Bst1978; Mimidae: Dumetella carolinensis (Gray Catbird) [feeds on rose hips & uses this shrub for protective cover & nest sites] DGr2002, Mimus polyglottos (Northern Mockingbird) [feeds on rose hips as a preferred source of food & uses this shrub for protective cover & nest sites] DGr2002, Toxostoma rufum (Brown Thrasher) [feeds on rose hips & uses this shrub for protective cover & nest sites] DGr2002; Parulidae: Icteria virens (Yellow-breasted Chat) [feeds on the rose hips] Dv2004; Phasianidae: Tympanuchus cupido (Greater Prairie Chicken) [the rose hips of this shrub have average importance as a source of food in Missouri] Krs1962; Turdidae: Catharus fuscescens (Veery) [this woody plant was selected to provide support 83% of the time for the nests of this bird in Delaware] Hck2004 Mammals Cervidae: Cervus canadensis (Elk) [leaves & twigs provide 1.2% of the diet in Kentucky] SMA2006, Odocoileus virginianus (White-tailed Deer) [2% of deer droppings contained viable seeds of this shrubby vine in New York] Myr2004 |
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