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____________ Relationships of Vertebrate Animals to this Plant: ____________ |
Cornus racemosa (Gray Dogwood) [Cornaceae] (observations are from Hamilton, Martin et al., Havera, DeGraaf, Yeatter, Bielefeldt & Rosenfeld, Myers et al., and Beal) Birds Anatidae: Aix sponsa (Wood Duck) [feeds on fruits & seeds in Illinois] Hv1999, Anas platyrhynchos (Mallard) [feeds on fruits in Illinois] Hv1999; Bombycillidae: Bombycilla cedrorum (Cedar Waxwing) [feeds on the fruits as a preferred source of food] DGr2002; Cardinalidae: Cardinalis cardinalis (Northern Cardinal) [feeds on the fruits as a preferred source of food] DGr2002; Fringillidae: Pinicola enucleator (Pine Grosbeak) [feeds on the fruits as a preferred source of food] DGr2002; Mimidae: Dumetella carolinensis (Gray Catbird) [feeds on the fruits as a preferred source of food & uses this shrub for protective cover & preferred site for nests] DGr2002; Odontophoridae: Colinus virginianus (Bobwhite Quail) [feeds on the fruits as a preferred source of food] DGr2002; Parulidae: Setophaga citrina (Hooded Warbler) [this shrub was used to support 3.8% of all nests in Wisconsin] BfRf2001; Phasianidae: Bonasa umbellus (Ruffed Grouse) [feeds on the fruits & buds as preferred sources of food] DGr2002, Meleagris gallopavo (Wild Turkey) [feeds on the fruits as a preferred source of food] DGr2002, Phasianus colchicus (Ring-necked Pheasant) [feeds on the fruits] DGr2002, Tympanuchus cupido (Greater Prairie Chicken) [fruits & buds comprise 2-5% of the diet in SE Illinois during summer, fruits comprise 3.4% of the diet for adults & 2.8% of the diet for juveniles in Illinois] MZN1951 Yt1943; Picidae: Colaptes auratus (Northern Flicker) [feeds on the fruits as a preferred source of food] DGr2002, Melanerpes erythrocephalus (Red-headed Woodpecker) [feeds on the fruits] DGr2002, Picoides pubescens (Downy Woodpecker) [feeds on the fruits as a preferred source of food] DGr2002; Scolopacidae: Scolopax minor (American Woodcock) [uses this shrub for protective cover] DGr2002; Turdidae: Catharus fuscescens (Veery) [1.1% of bird stomachs contained fruits of this shrub] Be1915b, Catharus minimus (Grey-cheeked Thrush) [0.9% of bird stomachs contained fruits of this shrub] Be1915b, Catharus ustulatus (Swainson's Thrush) [feeds on the fruits as a preferred source of food, 0.75% of bird stomachs contained fruits from this shrub] DGr2002 Be1915b, Sialia sialis (Eastern Bluebird) [feeds on the fruits as a preferred source of food, fruits are eaten rarely] DGr2002 Be1915, Turdus migratorius (American Robin) [feeds on the fruits as a preferred source of food, fruits are eaten rarely] DGr2002 Be1915; Tyrannidae: Tyrannus tyrannus (Eastern Kingbird) [feeds on the fruits as a preferred source of food] DGr2002 Mammals Cervidae: Odocoileus virginianus (White-tailed Deer) [3% of deer droppings contained viable seeds of this plant in New York] Myr2004; Cricetidae: Peromyscus leucopus (White-footed Mouse) [eats fruits and/or seeds] Hm1941, Peromyscus maniculatus (Deer Mouse) [eats fruits and/or seeds] Hm1941 |
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