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____________ Relationships of Vertebrate Animals to this Plant: ____________ |
Celtis laevigata (Sugarberry) [Ulmaceae] (observations are from Bellrose, Meanley, Gabbe et al., and Beal) Birds Anatidae: Aythya collaris (Ring-necked Duck) [feeds on fruits] Blr1942; Cardinalidae: Piranga olivacea (Scarlet Tanager) [this bird has a below-average preference for foraging for insects on this tree in southern Illinois] GRB2002, Piranga rubra (Summer Tanager) [this bird has a below-average preference for foraging for insects on this tree in southern Illinois] GRB2002; Cuculidae: Coccyzus americanus (Yellow-billed Cuckoo) [this bird has an average preference for foraging for insects on this tree in southern Illinois] GRB2002; Paridae: Baeolophus bicolor (Tufted Titmouse) [this bird has an above-average preference for foraging for insects on this tree in southern Illinois] GRB2002, Poecile carolinensis (Carolina Chickadee) [this bird has an above-average preference for foraging for insects on this tree in southern Illinois] GRB2002; Parulidae: Protonotaria citrea (Prothonotary Warbler) [this bird has an above-average preference for foraging for insects on this tree in southern Illinois] GRB2002, Setophaga americana (Northern Parula) [this bird has a below-average preference for foraging for insects on this tree in southern Illinois] GRB2002, Setophaga cerulea (Cerulean Warbler) [this bird has an average preference for foraging for insects on this tree in southern Illinois] GRB2002, Setophaga dominica (Yellow-throated Warbler) [this bird has a below-average preference for foraging for insects on this tree in southern Illinois] GRB2002; Phasianidae: Meleagris gallopavo (Wild Turkey) [the fruits have minor to major importance in the diet in Arkansas during the winter & spring & summer] Mn1956; Polioptilidae: Polioptila caerulea (Blue-gray Gnatcatcher) [this bird has an average preference for foraging for insects on this tree in southern Illinois] GRB2002; Turdidae: Sialia sialis (Eastern Bluebird) [fruits are eaten rarely] Be1915, Turdus migratorius (American Robin) [fruits are eaten frequently] Be1915; Tyrannidae: Empidonax virescens (Acadian Flycatcher) [this bird has an average preference for foraging for insects on this tree in southern Illinois] GRB2002; Vireonidae: Vireo flavifrons (Yellow-throated Vireo) [this bird has an average preference for foraging for insects on this tree in southern Illinois] GRB2002, Vireo olivacea (Red-eyed Vireo) [this bird has a far above-average preference for foraging for insects on this tree in southern Illinois] GRB2002 |
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