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____________ Relationships of Vertebrate Animals to this Plant: ____________ |
Ambrosia trifida (Giant Ragweed) [Asteraceae] (observations are from Lindroth & Batzli, Swartz, Martin et al., Whitaker, Blackmore, Havera, Yeatter, and Wilhelm & Rericha) Birds Anatidae: Anas platyrhynchos (Mallard) [feeds on seeds in Illinois] Hv1999; Cardinalidae: Passerina cyanea (Indigo Bunting) [hunts for insects in colonies of Giant Ragweed during fall migration] WR2017, Pheucticus ludovicianus (Rose-breasted Grosbeak) [hunts for insects in colonies of Giant Ragweed during fall migration] WR2017, Piranga olivacea (Scarlet Tanager) [hunts for insects in colonies of Giant Ragweed during fall migration] WR2017; Emberizidae: Melospiza melodia (Song Sparrow) [hunts for insects in colonies of Giant Ragweed during fall migration] WR2017, Zonotricha albicollis (White-throated Sparrow) [hunts for insects in colonies of Giant Ragweed during fall migration] WR2017; Paridae: Poecile atricapillus (Black-capped Chickadee) [hunts for insects in colonies of Giant Ragweed during fall migration] WR2017; Parulidae: Geothlypis trichas (Common Yellowthroat) [hunts for insects in colonies of Giant Ragweed during fall migration] WR2017, Oreothlypis peregrina (Tennessee Warbler) [hunts for insects in colonies of Giant Ragweed during fall migration] WR2017, Seiurus aurocapilla (Ovenbird) [hunts for insects on the ground in colonies of Giant Ragweed during fall migration] WR2017, Setophaga americana (Northern Parula) [hunts for insects in colonies of Giant Ragweed during fall migration] WR2017, Setophaga coronata (Yellow-rumped Warbler) [hunts for insects in colonies of Giant Ragweed during fall migration] WR2017, Setophaga magnolia (Magnolia Warbler) [hunts for insects in colonies of Giant Ragweed during fall migration] WR2017, Setophaga palmarum (Palm Warbler) [hunts for insects in colonies of Giant Ragweed during fall migration] WR2017, Setophaga pensylvanica (Chestnut-sided Warbler) [hunts for insects in colonies of Giant Ragweed during fall migration] WR2017, Setophaga petechia (Yellow Warbler) [hunts for insects in colonies of Giant Ragweed during fall migration] WR2017, Setophaga ruticilla (American Redstart) [hunts for insects in colonies of Giant Ragweed during fall migration] WR2017, Setophaga virens (Black-throated Green Warbler) [[hunts for insects in colonies of Giant Ragweed during fall migration] WR2017, Vermivora cyanoptera (Blue-winged Warbler) [hunts for insects in colonies of Giant Ragweed during fall migration] WR2017; Phasianidae: Tympanuchus cupido (Greater Prairie Chicken) [seeds eaten during fall for 1 month, seeds comprise 5-10% of the diet during summer, seeds comprise 9% of the diet for adults in Illinois] Swz1945 MZN1951 Yt1943; Picidae: Picoides pubescens (Downy Woodpecker) [hunts for insects in colonies of Giant Ragweed during fall migration] WR2017 Mammals Bovidae: Capra aegagrus hircus (Domesticated Goat) [this plant is eaten] Blk1998; Cricetidae: Microtus pennsylvanicus (Meadow Vole) [shoots of this plant comprise 6.5% of diet, this plant had low preference as a food source] LB1984, Peromyscus leucopus (White-footed Mouse) [seeds comprise 1.3% of the diet by volume] Wh1966, Peromyscus maniculatus (Deer Mouse) [seeds comprise 0.6% of the diet by volume] Wh1966; Muridae: Mus musculus (House Mouse) [seeds comprise 2.8% of the diet by volume] Wh1966 |
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