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____________ Relationships of Vertebrate Animals to this Plant: ____________ |
Acer spp. (Maple) [Aceraceae] (observations are from Snyder, Martin et al., Schorger, Lagler, DeGraaf, Mager & Nelson, Johnson et al., Veilleux et al., Bergeson, DeVore et al., Schneider et al., and Wilhelm & Rericha) Birds Cardinalidae: Cardinalis cardinalis (Northern Cardinal) [feeds on seeds] DGr2002, Pheucticus ludovicianus (Rose-breasted Grosbeak) [seeds are preferred as a source of food & uses these trees for protective cover & nesting habitat] DGr2002; Columbidae: Ectopistes migratorius (Passenger Pigeon) [seeds often used as food] Sch1955; Emberizidae: Melospiza melodia (Song Sparrow) [feeds on seeds] DGr2002, Zonotrichia albicollis (White-throated Sparrow) [feeds on buds] Dv2004; Fringillidae: Haemorhous purpureus (Purple Finch) [buds comprise 2-5% of the diet in E USA during spring, seeds are a preferred source of food, feeds on buds] MZN1951 DGr2002 Dv2004, Coccothraustes vespertinus (Evening Grosbeak) [seeds comprise 25-50% of the diet in NE USA during winter & spring, seeds are a preferred source of food & uses these trees for protective cover & nesting habitat] MZN1951 DGr2002, Pinicola enucleator (Pine Grosbeak) [seeds comprise 5-10% of the diet in NE USA during winter, feeds on seeds] MZN1951 DGr2002, Spinus tristis (American Goldfinch) [seeds comprise 0.5-2% of the diet in E USA, feeds on seeds and uses these trees for protective cover & nesting habitat] MZN1951 DGr2002; Icteridae: Icterus galbula (Baltimore Oriole) [uses these trees for protective cover & nesting habitat] DGr2002; Odontophoridae: Colinus virginianus (Bobwhite Quail) [feeds on seeds] DGr2002; Phasianidae: Bonasa umbellus (Ruffed Grouse) [feeds on seeds] DGr2002, Meleagris gallopavo (Wild Turkey) [feeds on seeds] DGr2002; Picidae: Melanerpes carolinus (Red-bellied Woodpecker) [uses these trees for protective cover & their cavities for nesting habitat] DGr2002, Sphyrapicus varius (Yellow-bellied Sapsucker) [drills holes in wood & sucks sap in E USA, feeds on sap] MZN1951 DGr2002; Psittacidae: Conuropsis carolinensis (Carolina Parakeet) [seeds of moderate importance, flowers & buds of minor importance, as sources of food] Snd2004; Sittidae: Sitta canadensis (Red-breasted Nuthatch) [buds comprise 2-5% of the diet in E USA during spring] MZN1951; Sturnidae: Sturnus vulgaris (European Starling) [uses these trees for protective cover & their cavities for nesting habitat] DGr2002; Trochilidae: Archilochus colubris (Ruby-throated Hummingbird) [feeds on tree sap oozing from holes drilled by the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker] WR2017; Turdidae: Turdus migratorius (American Robin) [feeds on the seeds & uses these trees for protective cover & nesting habitat] DGr2002; Vireonidae: Vireo olivaceus (Red-eyed Vireo) [uses these trees for protective cover & their saplings for nesting habitat] DGr2002 Mammals Castoridae: Castor canadensis (American Beaver) [wood & bark of these trees comprise 2-5% of the diet in NE USA, the wood & bark of these trees are a source of food in Missouri] MZN1951; Cervidae: Alces americanus (American Moose) [feeds on the foliage & twigs of these trees from Maine to Michigan during the spring, foliage & twigs comprise 2-5% of the diet in Isle Royale of Michigan] MZN1951, Cervus canadensis (Elk) [leaves & twigs of unidentified maples provided 1.4% of the diet in Kentucky] SMA2006, Odocoileus virginianus (White-tailed Deer) [twigs comprise 25-50% of the diet in New York during winter, twigs & foliage comprise 5-25% of the diet in Pennsylvania & the North Carolina mountains throughout the year, twigs comprise 2-5% of the diet in Wisconsin & Minnesota during winter] MZN1951; Cricetidae: Microtus ochrogaster (Prairie Vole) [feeds on seeds] MZN1951, Microtus pennsylvanicus (Meadow Vole) [feeds on seeds] MZN1951, Peromyscus leucopus (White-footed Mouse) [seeds comprise 2-5% of the diet in E USA during summer & fall] MZN1951; Erethizontidae: Erethizon dorsatum (North American Porcupine) [these trees comprise 2-5% of the diet in NE USA] MZN1951; Sciuridae: Glaucomys volans (Southern Flying Squirrel) [maple sap comprises 2-5% of the diet in NE USA during fall & winter] MZN1951, Sciurus carolinensis (Eastern Gray Squirrel) [seeds comprise 5-10% of the diet in E USA during summer & fall & winter] MZN1951, Sciurus niger (Fox Squirrel) [seeds & buds comprise 5-10% of the diet in Ohio throughout the year, seeds & buds & flowers comprise 5-10% of the diet in Michigan during spring & summer] MZN1951, Tamias striatus (Eastern Chipmunk) [seeds comprise 5-10% of the diet in NE USA during spring & summer & fall] MZN1951, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus (American Red Squirrel) [seeds comprise 5-10% of the diet in E USA during summer & fall] MZN1951; Vespertilionidae: Lasiurus borealis (Eastern Red Bat) [large maples provide 17.9% of summer roost trees in an urban environment of Illinois during the summer with average preference] MN2001, Myotis lucifugus (Little Brown Bat) [exfoliating bark & cavities of these trees were used as summer roost sites in Illinois] Brg2012, Myotis septentrionalis (Northern Long-eared Bat) [maples provide 12–15.9% of the roost trees for maternal colonies in central Appalachia & these trees have below-average preference for this purpose] Jhn2009, Perimyotis subflavus (Tricolored Bat) [dead or live foliage of these trees was selected 40.5% of the time as summer roost sites by maternal colonies in Indiana & these trees have below-average to above-average preference for this purpose] VWV2003 Turtles Chelydridae: Chelydra serpentina (Snapping Turtle) [feeds on fallen leaves or samaras] Lg1943 |
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