Flower-Visiting Insects
of Balsam Ragwort

Senecio pauperculus (Balsam Ragwort)
(Bees suck nectar and/or collect pollen, beetles suck nectar or feed on pollen, the ant sucks nectar. Observations are from Krombein et al., Grundel et al., and Wilhelm & Rericha as indicated below. These observations include the typical variety of this plant and Senecio pauperculus pseudotomentosus. A scientific synonym of Balsam Ragwort is Packera paupercula.)

Bees (long-tongued)
Anthophoridae (Ceratinini): Ceratina calcarata (WR), Ceratina dupla (WR), Ceratina mikmaqi (WR), Ceratina strenua (Gnd, WR); Anthophoridae (Nomadini): Nomada lepida sn (WR), Nomada rubicunda sn (WR)

Bees (short-tongued)
Halictidae (Halictinae): Halictus ligatus (Gnd, WR), Lasioglossum pectorale (Gnd), Lasioglossum pilosum (WR); Andrenidae (Andreninae): Andrena gardineri cp olg (Kr)

Formicidae (Formicinae): Formica subsericea sn np (WR)

Dermestidae: Cryptorhopalum haemorrhoidale fq (WR); Mordellidae: Mordellistena cervicalis (WR)
