Autumn Coralroot
Corallorhiza odontorhiza
Orchid family (Orchidaceae)
This herbaceous perennial plant develops a flowering stalk that is
tall (rarely more). The unbranched stalk is dull yellow, brown, or
dark reddish purple; it is also terete, glabrous, and bulbous at
the base. Closely surrounding the lower one-third of this
flowering stalk, there are 2-3 leaf sheaths, but no leaf blades. These
inconspicuous sheaths are the same color as the stem and glabrous. The
stalk terminates in a raceme of about 5-25 flowers (rarely more); this
raceme is 1–4.5" long (rarely more). The flowers are sparsely to
moderately distributed along the central axis of the raceme; their
faces are ascending to widely spreading while in bloom. The flowers are
chasmogamous (more showy and requiring insects for cross-pollination)
or they are cleistogamous (less showy and self-fertile). Plants with
chasmogamous flowers are referred to as Corallorhiza
pringlei, while plants with cleistogamous flowers are
referred to as
Corallorhiza odontorhiza odontorhiza.

The chasmogamous flowers are about 6-8 mm. high and similarly
across; the cleistogamous flowers are more narrow and tubular-angular
in shape. Individual flowers of both types have 3 petaloid sepals (2
lateral sepals and an upper sepal), 3 petals (2 upper-lateral petals
and a lower petal that is referred to as the lower lip), a small
whitish reproductive column, and an ovary. All three sepals and the two
petals are more or less oblong-elliptic in shape, whether the
flowers are chasmogamous or cleistogamous; they are yellowish brown to
reddish purple, becoming whitened at the base. The lower petal (or lip)
of a chasmogamous flower is oval-orbicular in shape and finely
crenate-undulate along its lateral and outer margins; it is
predominately white with reddish purple spots. The lower petal of a
cleistogamous flower is similar, except it is more narrow. For a
chasmogamous flower, the upper sepal and
upper-lateral petals form a protective hood over the reproductive
column of the flower; the lateral sepals
may form the lateral sides of the hood, or they may arch downward and
spread outward slightly. The lower lip of a
chasmogamous flower curves downward, functioning as a landing pad for
visiting insects. A cleistogamous flower is tubular-angular in shape as
a result of the sepals and petals joining together; the mouth of this
flower is either slightly open or closed. The slender pedicels of the
flowers are 2–3.5 mm. long, while the
floral bracts directly underneath the pedicels are 2.5–4 mm. long,
linear to linear-lanceolate in
shape, and deciduous. The blooming
period can occur from late summer to mid-autumn, lasting about 3
weeks. Afterwards, fertile flowers are replaced by drooping seed
capsules that are 5–8.5 mm. long, broadly ellipsoid-oblongoid in
shape, 6-furrowed along their sides, and glabrous. Immature
capsules are light green or dull yellow (and sometimes reddish
purple along their
furrows), but they become brown at maturity. These capsules split open
after a hard frost to release their tiny seeds to the wind. The root
system consists of a mass of coralloid (coral-like) rhizomes that form
contorted chunky strands about 3-5 mm. across; young rhizomes are
white, while older rhizomes are brown. Older rhizomes often form buds,
from which new clonal flowering stalks can develop.
The preference is moist to dry-mesic loam with decaying organic matter.
Because this plant does not produce significant chlorophyll, it is
relatively indifferent to sun exposure, although excessive dryness in
the soil from too much sunlight is harmful to it. This plant requires
the presence of ectomycorrhizal fungi (more specifically, Tomentilla
spp.) in the soil, otherwise it can't develop properly. This
forms a parasitic relationship with such fungi, as the latter
transports nutrients from both itself and from the trees with which
they form a symbiotic relationship. The ectomycorrhizal fungi,
Tomentilla spp., can form such relationships with
various hardwood
trees (oaks, hickories, and American Beech) and probably some conifer
trees (pines). After a seed of this orchid germinates, it can flower in
as little as 4 years under favorable conditions. Because of its
dependence on specific ectomycorrhizal fungi, an adult plant is
unlikely to survive transplantation to a different site.
& Habitat: Autumn Coralroot (Corallorhiza
odontorhiza) occurs in scattered counties
throughout Illinois; it is uncommon within the state overall. This
orchid is widely distributed in
the northeastern region of the United States, central-eastern
region of the United States, and southern Ontario in Canada. Habitats
include rich deciduous woodlands, wooded slopes, and pine plantations.
This orchid is found in higher quality
natural areas.
Plants with chasmogamous flowers are probably visited by bees, while
plants with cleistogamous flowers don't require insect pollination.
Some Coralroot orchids (Corallorhiza spp.) attract
orchid weevils (Stethobaris ovata, Stethobaris
As adults, these weevils feed destructively on sheaths, buds, and
flowers, while their larvae feed from within the seedpods. It is not
clear, however, if they feed on Fall Coralroot, as its flowering stalk
doesn't develop until late in the year. Some mammals may feed on this
orchid occasionally. For example, small rodents may dig holes to feed
on the roots, while deer may browse on the flowering stalks. However,
because the flowering stalks of this orchid are rather small and they
don't stand out from the background, such browsing is probably uncommon.

Location: A deciduous woodland in Douglas
County, Illinois. The photographed plant is Corallorhiza
odontorhiza odontorhiza.
Some of the cleistogamous flowers toward the apex of the racemes may be
in bloom, while below the flowers are no longer in bloom. The latter
have become immature seed capsules.
Because the flowers of this orchid in Illinois are usually
cleistogamous, it is not very showy. Among the Coralroot orchids (Corallorhiza
spp.), Autumn Coralroot (Corallorhiza odontorhiza)
is the last species to bloom and it is also the smallest in size. When
they occur, the chasmogamous flowers of this orchid can be
distinguished from the flowers of other Coralroot orchids using the
following criteria: 1) its flowers are smaller in overall size, 2) the
lower lip of its flower is
finely crenate-undulate, rather than smooth, along the margin, and 3)
the lower
lip of its flower lacks basal lobes (auricles). Another common name of
this orchid is Fall Coralroot.