Birds Eating the Foliage
and Seeds of Pondweeds
(Potamogeton spp.)
Bird Names
& Common)
Aix sponsa * **
(Wood Duck)
Anas acuta * **
(Northern Pintail)
Anas americana * **
(American Wigeon)
Anas clypeata * **
(Northern Shoveler)
Anas crecca carolinensis * **
(Green-winged Teal)
Anas discors * **
(Blue-winged Teal)
Anas platyrhynchos * **
Anas rubripes * **
(Black Duck)
Anas strepera * **
Aythya affinis * **
(Lesser Scaup)
Aythya americana * **
Aythya collaris * **
(Ring-necked Duck)
Aythya marila * **
(Greater Scaup)
Aythya valisineria * **
Bucephala albeola * **
Bucephala clangula * **
(Common Goldeneye)
Cygnus buccinator *
(Trumpeter Swan)
Oxyura jamaicensis * **
(Ruddy Duck)
Fulica americana * **
(Common Coot)
Rallus elegans **
(King Rail)
Rallus limicola **
(Virginia Rail)
Recurvirostra americana **
(American Avocet)
Calidris canutus rufa **
(Red Knot)
Calidris himantopus **
(Stilt Sandpiper)
Calidris melanotus **
(Pectoral Sandpiper)
Gallinago delicata **
(Wilson's Snipe)
Limnodromus griseus **
(Short-billed Dowitcher)
* feeds on foliage, ** feeds on seeds
Sources: Martin et al. (1951/1961), Havera (1999),
Bellrose (1942/1976), Devore et al. (2004)