This annual plant is ¾-3' tall and either unbranched or sparingly
branched along the upper half. Each central stem is medium green,
terete, slightly angular, or shallowly grooved; it is sparsely to
moderately covered with minute appressed hairs. Numerous alternate
leaves occur along the entire length of each stem; they vary relatively
little in shape or size. The leaf
blades are 1½-3" long and ¼-½" across; they are narrowly lanceolate,
oblanceolate, or elliptic-oblong in shape, while their margins are
smooth or slightly dentate from sparse teeth. The upper surface of each
leaf blade is medium green and sparsely covered with minute appressed
hairs. The base of each leaf is sessile, or it tapers to a short
The central stem terminates in a narrow raceme of flowers
about ¼-1' long. In addition, upper lateral stems may terminate in
smaller racemes. The flowers bloom at the apex of
each raceme, while developing seedpods are located below. Each flower
is about ¼" across, consisting of 4 pale yellow to yellow petals, 4
pale green sepals, 6 stamens, and a pistil with a single style. The
petals are oblanceolate in shape, while the sepals are narrowly oblong.
Individual petals of each flower are 3.0-5.5 mm. in length, while
individual sepals are 2.0-3.0 mm. in length. Often, the flowers are
partially hidden by the developing seedpods. The blooming period occurs
from late spring to late summer, lasting 1-2

months for a colony of
plants. The flowers are replaced by narrowly cylindrical seedpods
(siliques) about ½-1½" in length on pedicels about ¼" in length. The
seedpods are ascending to erect. Each
seedpod contains numerous
oblongoid-ellipsoid seeds about 1.0-1.5 mm. in length; these seeds are
arranged in a single row. Each seedpod divides along its length into 2
parts, releasing the seeds. The root system consists of a short
taproot. This plant spreads by reseeding itself.
Wormseed Mustard prefers full sun, moist to mesic conditions, and a
fertile loamy soil.
& Habitat: The non-native Wormseed Mustard is
occasional in the
northern half of Illinois, while in the southern half of the state it
is rare or absent. This weedy plant was
introduced into Illinois from either western North America or Eurasia
(different sources don't always agree regarding its place of
origination). It is possible that this plant is more common than
current records indicate. Habitats include barnyards, pastures, low
areas along ditches, roadsides and areas along railroads, garden beds,
and waste areas. Open disturbed areas are strongly preferred.
Associations: Like similar species in the Mustard family,
the flowers
of Wormseed Mustard are cross-pollinated primarily by small bees and
flies. Floral rewards of these insect visitors consist of nectar and
pollen. Several beetles in the Chrysomelidae (Leaf Beetles) feed on
Wormseed Mustard. They include
americana (Red Turnip
cruciferae (Crucifer Flea Beetle),
striolata (Striped Flea Beetle), and
Psylliodes punctulatus
(Hop Flea
Beetle, Cabbage Stem Flea Beetle). According to Georgia (1913), the
foliage of Wormseed Mustard and especially its seeds are very bitter.
As a result, grazing animals dislike this plant, although they may eat
it if little else is available.
Location: A dried-out ditch near Weaver Park in Urbana,
The flowers of this weedy plant are quite small. The common name refers
to the former use of its seeds as an anthelmintic (expeller of worms in
the digestive tract). Wormseed Mustard differs from many other species
in the Mustard family by its narrow leaves, which lack lobes and
significant teeth. The species that most resembles it within Illinois,
Erysimum inconspicuum
(Small Wormseed Mustard), is a perennial that is
adventive from the Western states. This latter species has flowers with
larger petals (exceeding 6.0 mm. in length) and larger sepals
(exceeding 3.5 mm. in length) than Wormseed Mustard. It also tends to
be shorter and prefers drier situations.