This perennial herbaceous plant is 1–2½' tall, branching abundantly.
foliage of this plant has a bitter-citrus aroma. The stems are light
green, terete or angular, and sometimes furrowed longitudinally; they
are usually glabrous below and canescent above. Alternate leaves occur
along these stems, becoming smaller in size as they ascend; they are
1¼–6" long, ½–2½" across, and usually odd-pinnate with 3-5 pinnatifid
leaflets. The leaves are ovate to deltate-ovate in outline, while the
leaflets are lanceolate to ovate in outline; the lobes of the
leaflets have large blunt teeth. The lower leaves are usually
more deeply divided than the upper leaves. The upper leaf surface is
medium green, dark green, or yellowish green, while the lower leaf
surface is slightly more pale. The upper leaf surface is glabrous (or
nearly so), while the lower leaf surface is usually canescent and
glandular. The lower leaves have petioles up to 2" long, while the
upper leaves are nearly sessile. The petioles are light to medium
green, glabrous
to canescent, slightly grooved above, and convex below.
The upper stems
terminate in flat-headed panicles of flowerheads. Each flowerhead spans
about ¾–1" across, consisting of
10-20 ray florets that surround a dense central head of numerous disk
florets. The central head is flat initially, but it later becomes
dome-shaped. The petaloid rays are white, elliptic-oblong in shape,
few-toothed at their tips, widely spreading, and relatively short. The
corollas of
the disk florets are about 2 mm. long, yellow, and narrowly cylindrical
in shape with 4-5 upper lobes. The ray florets are pistillate (female),
while the disk florets are perfect (both male and female). The
saucer-shaped base of each flowerhead is surrounded by appressed floral
bracts (phyllaries) in several series. These bracts are light
green, lanceolate in shape, keeled, and usually canescent; the upper
halves of their keels are a darker shade of green. The peduncles of the
flowerheads are up to 4" long; they are similar to the upper stems in
their characteristics. The blooming period occurs during the summer for
1-2 months, sometimes extending into

early autumn. Afterwards,
florets are replaced by small achenes. These achenes are about 1.5 mm.
long, narrowly oblongoid in shape, longitudinally ribbed, and
tan-colored or brown-colored. At the apex of each achene, there is
often a crown of
minute scales. These achenes are light and small enough to be blown
about by the wind to some extent. The root system consists of a taproot
or caudex with abundant fibrous roots.
The preference is full or partial sun, more or less mesic
conditions, and a fertile loamy soil. The lower leaves may turn yellow
and wither away during hot dry spells.
& Habitat: Naturalized populations of Feverfew are
widely scattered
in the northern half of Illinois, where they are uncommon. Feverfew was
introduced into North America from
Eurasia as an ornamental and medicinal plant for gardens. It is
probably native to SE Europe, Turkey, and the lower Caucasus mountains.
In Illinois and other areas of North America, Feverfew can be found in
such habitats as abandoned garden areas, vacant lots, roadsides,
abandoned fields, and waste areas. Habitats with a history of
disturbance are preferred.
Associations: Müller
(1873/1883) observed a Sesiid moth, a Halictid bee, and a wasp visiting
the flowerheads of Feverfew (
parthenium) in Germany. Similar insects probably visit
the flowerheads of this plant in North America. Both nectar and pollen
are available as floral rewards for such visitors. Other insects feed
on the leaves and other parts of Feverfew and similar plants in the
Aster family. The larvae of a fly,
(Chrysanthemum Leafminer) mine the leaves of Feverfew (Needham et al.,
1928). Other insects that probably feed on this plant include several
aphids (
spp.); see Pepper (1965) and Blackman
Eastop (2013) for a description of these species. Because of the strong
aroma and bitter flavor of the
foliage, it is doubtful that mammalian herbivores make much use of this
Location: A flower garden in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois.
The taxonomic history of Feverfew (
parthenium) has been
somewhat unstable. Other scientific names for this species in the past
parthenium and
parthenium. Feverfew is
one of several plant species from Eurasia that have daisy-like
flowerheads. Feverfew differs from many of these species by having
leaves with wider leaflets and lobes. Compared to the central disks of
its flowerheads, the petaloid rays are relatively short. The aromatic
foliage of this plant is similar to the aroma of cultivated
Chrysanthemums that bloom during the autumn. Feverfew has been
considered a medicinal plant for some time. It has been used to reduce
fever and inflammation, and also to treat migraine headaches. There is
some scientific evidence that it is useful for some of these purposes,
especially for treatment of migraine headaches (Palevitch et
al., 1997).