This herbaceous perennial plant develops basal leaves and flowering
stalks from a
crown. The basal leaves are trifoliate. Individual leaflets are 1-2½"
long, ¾-2" across, and sessile; they are ovate to obovate in
shape and their
margins are coarsely serrated. The upper leaflet surface is medium
green and glabrous to sparsely short-hairy, while the lower leaflet
surface is pale green and sparsely short-hairy to hairy. In particular,
hairs tend to be especially common along the lower sides of the major
veins. Leaflet venation is pinnate; the lateral veins are nearly
straight and
parallel to each other. The texture of the leaflets is somewhat thick
and stiff, rather than thin and flexible. The petioles of the basal
leaves are 2-6" long, terete, and light green to reddish purple; they
are covered with
spreading hairs. The flowering stalks are 3-8" long; they usually
extend a little below the leaflets or a little above them. These stalks
are light green to reddish purple and terete; they are covered with
spreading hairs.
the apex of each stalk, there develops a branching cluster of about 2-5
flowers. Each flower is about ½" across, consisting of 5 white petals,
a calyx with 5 green sepals that are joined together at the base, a
dense cluster of light green to pale yellow pistils, and a ring of
20-35 stamens with yellow anthers. The peduncle and pedicels of the
flowers are light green or light reddish green and covered with
appressed hairs. One or two small leafy bracts are located at the base
of inflorescence. The blooming period occurs from late spring to
mid-summer, lasting 1-2 months. Afterwards, fertile flowers are
replaced by small fruits that become a little less than ½" long at
maturity (typically 8-10 mm. in length); they are bright red, glabrous,
and ovoid to ovoid-conical in shape (although they typically
upside down). Numerous reddish achenes are scattered across the surface
of the fruit; they are not sunken below the surface in pits. Some
cultivars of this plant produce white mature fruits, rather than red.
The fleshy interior of the fruit varies in flavor, depending on the
cultivar, but it is often bland. At the base of each fruit, the sepals
of the persistent calyx are either spreading or reflexed; they do not
adhere to the

surface of the fruit. The
root system consists of a dense
vertical crown with fibrous roots. Occasionally during the summer, low
stolons up to 1' or more in length are produced from the crown. Where
the nodes of the stolons touch moist ground, they can produce new
plantlets. It should be noted, however, that some cultivars of this
plant don't produce any stolons. Most of the foliage dies down during
the winter, although a few low leaves may persist near the crown.
The preference is full sun to light shade, moist to dry-mesic
conditions, and soil containing fertile loam or sandy loam. Cool to
warm summer temperatures are preferred, rather than hot.
& Habitat: The introduced European Woodland
Strawberry has
naturalized in Lake County in NE Illinois, where it is rare (see
This plant
is native to Eurasia and introduced into North America primarily as an
ornamental garden plant. It is still widely cultivated. Typical
habitats of naturalized plants in Illinois and elsewhere include open
woodlands, roadsides, weedy meadows, and fields.
Associations: The floral-faunal relationships of the
European Woodland
Strawberry are probably very similar to those of the American Woodland
Strawberry (
vesca americana) and the common Wild Strawberry
Fragaria virginiana).
Small bees, miscellaneous flies, butterflies,
and skippers occasionally visit the flowers for either nectar or
pollen. A fair number of insects feed on the foliage, roots, and fruits
of strawberry plants. This includes such species as
(Strawberry Flea Beetle),
fragariae (Strawberry Rootworm),
Anthonomus signatus
(Strawberry Bud Weevil),
(Strawberry Root Weevil),
rugostriatus (Rough Strawberry
Root Weevil),
geminata (Strawberry Sap
fragaefolii (Strawberry Aphid), and caterpillars of
centaurae wyandot (Grizzled Skipper). In addition to these
insects, the
caterpillars of several moths feed on various parts of strawberry
plants. Examples include
comptana fragariae (Strawberry
bibionipennis (Strawberry Crown Borer), and
Achyra rantalis (Garden Webworm); see the
for a more complete listing of species.
Many vertebrate animals eat the
fruits of strawberry plants and spread the seeds to new locations.
These fruit-eating species include various birds (Ruffed Grouse,
Ring-Necked Pheasant, American Crow, White-Throated Sparrow, Brown
Thrasher, Eastern Towhee, Veery, and Robin), several mammals (Opossum,
Eastern Chipmunk, Franklin Ground Squirrel, Red Squirrel, White-Footed
Mouse, and Woodland Deer Mouse), and even some land turtles (Eastern
Box Turtle and Wood Turtle). The foliage is edible
to such hoofed mammalian herbivores as deer, cattle, horses, and sheep.
Location: A garden at the Urbana Free Library in Urbana,
The European subspecies of Woodland Strawberry (
Fragaria vesca
vesca) is cultivated for its attractive foliage, flowers,
and fruit.
Different cultivars of this subspecies can vary in regards to the
appearance of their fruits, length of bloom, and tendency to form
stolons. It is somewhat difficult to distinguish the American
subspecies of Woodland Strawberry (
vesca americana)
its European counterpart. In general, the American subspecies has
leaves that are more thin and delicate, appressed hairs along its
petioles and flowering stalks (rather than spreading hairs), slightly
smaller flowers, and more conical and elongated fruits
this last characteristic is less reliable). Notwithstanding these
distinctions, the traits of these two subspecies can overlap to some
extent. Regardless of subspecies, the Woodland Strawberry can be
distinguished from the Wild Strawberry (
Fragaria virginiana)
by having
the terminal teeth of its leaflets as long or longer than the adjacent
teeth, spreading or reflexed sepals on its fruits (rather than
appressed), achenes on the surface of its fruits rather than enclosed
in pits, and fruits that are more elongated and conical in shape (as
opposed to globoid or ovoid in shape). Interestingly, the Woodland
Strawberry and Wild Strawberry cannot hybridize with each other because
of genetic incompatibility. More specifically, the Woodland Strawberry
is diploid with 2 sets of chromosomes, while the Wild
Strawberry is octoploid with 8 sets of chromosomes.