This small tree usually has a single trunk that is often crooked
and a broad rounded crown; it is up to 35' tall. The trunk is
up to 1¼' across; it is somewhat fluted and appears muscular, hence the
common name. On young trees, the trunk bark is slate gray and very
smooth, while on old trees the trunk bark is gray or brownish gray,
and finely fissured, and slightly rough. The branches and twigs are
relatively narrow and crooked; the bark of twigs is reddish brown to
brown and smooth, while the bark of larger branches is gray and smooth.
Alternate deciduous leaves occur in 2 ranks along twigs and young green
shoots; the shoots are glabrous or pubescent. The leaf blades are 2½-5"
long and 1-2" across; more narrow blades are elliptic to
elliptic-oblanceolate in shape, while more wide blades are broadly
elliptic to elliptic-oblanceolate. The margins of the leaf blades are
doubly serrated. Veins of the leaf blades are arranged pinnately with
10-13 lateral veins on each side of the central vein; these lateral
veins are nearly straight. The upper surface of the leaf blades is
medium to dark green and hairless to sparsely short-hairy, while the
lower surface is pale to medium green and sparsely short-hairy.
Musclewood is monoecious, producing separate male (staminate) and
female (pistillate) flowers on the same tree. The male flowers are
arranged in drooping sessile catkins about 1-2" long that are located
toward the tips of twigs. Individual male flowers have several stamens
that are partially hidden by single reddish green bractlets that are
ovate-deltate in shape. The female flowers are arranged in pairs on
short hairy racemes about ½-¾" long; these racemes develop at the tips
of twigs. Individual female flowers consist of an ovary with a pair of
red stigmata; they are partially hidden by single green bractlets that
are narrow in shape and somewhat spreading or recurved. The blooming
period occurs during mid- to late spring as the leaves begin to
develop; the flowers are cross-pollinated by wind. Afterwards, the
paired female flowers are replaced by paired nutlets and bracts that
develop in dangling racemes about 2-5" long. Each nutlet lies at the
base of a 3-lobed bract that is about 1¼" long, 1" across, and hastate
in shape; these bracts become light brown at maturity. Each mature
nutlet is about ¼" long, broadly ovoid in shape, and tapering to a
short beak; its thin husk is brown and slightly hairy. Because of their
relatively large bracts, these nutlets are distributed by the wind to a
limited extent. The woody root system is shallow and spreading. During
the autumn, the deciduous leaves turn yellow, orange, or red

falling to the ground.
The preference is partial
sun to moderate shade, moist well-drained conditions, and fertile loamy
soil with decaying organic matter. Musclewood grows slowly; it produces
nutlets in as little as 15 years and may live up to 100 years.
& Habitat: The native Musclewood is occasional to
locally common in
most areas of Illinois, except in the NW section of the state, where it
is uncommon or absent. Habitats include rich
moist woodlands, east- and north-facing slopes of wooded bluffs, bases
of wooded bluffs, shady ravines, wooded areas of river valleys,
streambanks in wooded areas, higher ground in swamps, and shaded
gravelly seeps. This tree also occurs in upland woodlands, where it is
less common. Musclewood is a typical understory tree of Maple-Beech and
Maple-Basswood woodlands.
Associations: Miscellaneous
insects feed on the foliage, wood, and sap of Musclewood.
These species include the caterpillars of
Baileya ophthalmica
Baileya) and other moths,
ohioensis and other wood-boring
carpini and other plant bugs, the aphid
carpinicolens, and several leafhoppers; Musclewood is a
preferred host
of the leafhoppers
triangulata, and
Erythridula modica.
provides a more complete listing of these insect feeders. The nutlets
of Musclewood are eaten by the Wood Duck, Mallard, Northern Cardinal,
Evening Grosbeak, American Goldfinch, Bobwhite Quail, Yellow-rumped
Warbler, Ruffed
Grouse, Wild Turkey and Ring-necked Pheasant. Some of these birds also
feed on the buds and catkins (DeGraaf, 2002). Among mammals, the
Eastern Gray Squirrel eats the nutlets of Musclewood, while the
White-Tailed Deer occasionally
browses on its leaves and twigs, but it is not preferred
as a food plant. As a result of selective browsing, this small tree has
proliferated in some areas of eastern United States (Kershaw, 2007;
Sullivan, 1994). Some birds use Musclewood occasionally for nesting
habitat; the Wood Thrush has been observed to build nests in its
branches, while the Black-Capped Chickadee and Carolina Chickadee use
small cavities in older trees as locations for their nests (Eastman,
Location: Lower wooded slope near a lake in Coles
County in
Other common names of this small tree are Blue Beech, American
Hornbeam, and Ironwood. This last common name is somewhat ambiguous
because it sometimes refers to
virginiana (Hop Hornbeam). In
Illinois, the overwhelming majority of Musclewood trees are examples of
ssp. virginiana,
which has a more northwestern range than the typical
subspecies. However, the latter can be found at the southern tip of
Illinois, where it is rare. Where their ranges overlap, these
subspecies sometimes intergrade. The more northwestern
ssp. virginiana
differs from the typical subspecies by having leaf blades that often
exceed 3½" long and they tend to have a more narrow shape. Unlike
the typical subspecies, it may have tiny dark glands on the
lower surface of the leaf blades. Regardless of subspecies, Musclewood
is relatively easy to distinguish from other trees on the basis of its
smooth fluted bark. While this tree could be confused with small
specimens of
grandifolia (American Beech), which also has smooth
bark, its leaf blades have more teeth along their margins than those of
American Beech. Musclewood is an attractive small tree overall, with
interesting bark and colorful leaves during the autumn. Some
authorities assign Musclewood to the Birch family (Betulaceae).