This perennial wildflower is 2-3½' tall and either unbranched or
sparingly branched. The central stem and any lateral stems are medium
green, terete, and sparsely short-pubescent. The alternate leaves are
trifoliate; their petioles are 2-6" long, somewhat angular, medium
green, and sparsely short-pubescent. At the base of each petiole, there
is a pair of stipules about 8 mm. (0.3") long; they are
linear-lanceolate in shape and early-deciduous. The leaflets of the
trifoliate leaves are 2-4' long and 1-2" across; they are
lanceolate-ovate to ovate in shape, while their margins are smooth
(entire) and slightly ciliate. The bases of these leaflets are rounded,
while their tips are rather slender and pointed. The upper leaflet
surface is medium green and sparsely short-pubescent to glabrous, while
the lower leaflet surface is pale to medium green and sparsely
short-pubescent. Leaflet venation is pinnate. The terminal leaflets
have petiolules (basal stalklets) about ½-1" long, while the petiolules
of the lateral leaflets are less than 1/8" in length.
Both axillary and
terminal racemes of flowers are produced on peduncles about 2-8" in
length. These racemes are 2-6" long and spike-like in appearance; the
density of flowers along each raceme is intermediate. The central stalk
of each raceme is pale green and sparsely covered with short fine
pubescence. Each flower is about ¼" long and relatively narrow in
shape, consisting of 5 blue, purple, or nearly white petals, a
short-tubular calyx with 5 teeth, and the reproductive organs. The
petals form an upright banner, a pair of forward-projecting wings, and
a small keel that is largely hidden by the wings. At the base of the
banner, there is a small patch of yellow with fine purple veins. The
calyx is pale green to pale purplish yellow and sparsely
short-pubescent. The pedicels of the flowers are very short (less than
1/8" in length). The blooming period occurs from late spring to
mid-summer, lasting about 1 month. Afterwards, the flowers are replaced
by short seedpods about 8-12 mm. long. These seedpods are obovoid,
somewhat compressed (flattened), and asymmetric (more curved on one

than the other); they are
single-seeded. Individual seeds are 4-6
mm. long, reniform (kidney-shaped), and somewhat compressed, becoming
dark brown at maturity. The root system is rhizomatous, often forming
clonal colonies of plants.
The preference is full
or partial sun, mesic to dry-mesic conditions, and loamy soil. This
wildflower can be propagated by seed or division of its
& Habitat: The native French Grass is uncommon to
occasional in
becoming rare or absent in the southern and northern sections of the
state (see
Map). It is found primarily in the lower
Midwest (Illinois, Indiana,
Ohio, and eastern Missouri). Habitats include black soil prairies,
pioneer cemetery prairies, lower slopes of hill prairies, riverbanks,
upland open woodlands, poorly maintained embankments along
country roads, and fallow fields. French Grass is found in
high quality habitats (mostly prairie remnants) and more disturbed
habitats that have a history of neglect.
Aside from flower-visiting insects, very little is known about
floral-faunal relationships for this species. Robertson (1929) observed
honeybees, bumblebees, cuckoo bees (
spp.), leaf-cutter bees
Megachile spp.),
mason bees (
Osmia spp.)
Halictid bees, plasterer bees
Colletes spp.),
Sphecid wasps, Vespid wasps, bee flies
(Bombyliidae), thick-headed flies (Conopidae), butterflies, skippers,
and moths visiting the flowers for nectar. Some of the bees also
collected pollen from the flowers. Robertson also observed an uncommon
carder bee,
Anthidium psoralaeae,
visiting the flowers of French Grass. This latter
bee is an oligolege (specialist pollinator) of some prairie species
Orbexilum spp.,
Psoralidium spp.,
etc.) in the Bean family. There is also a newly discovered, but still
unnamed, moth caterpillar (
that feeds on French Grass in the lower Midwest. This caterpillar is
pale yellowish green with pairs of large black dots along its sides.
Location: An overgrown embankment along a gravelly road in
Vermilion County, Illinois.
In spite of the common name, this species is a legume in the Bean
family, rather than a grass. The foliage of French Grass has a striking
similarity to the foliage of cultivated Soybeans (
Glycine max).
However, both the inflorescences and seeds of these two species bear
little resemblance to each other. French Grass appears to be a species
that is often neglected in prairie and savanna restorations, even
though it is probably not difficult to cultivate.
Another species that is native to Illinois,
(Sampson's Snakeroot), is a smaller plant with more narrow leaves and
its flowers are usually more white or pinkish white than those of
French Grass. Sometimes 'Sanfoin' is used as a common name
onobrychis. A scientific synonym of this species
Psoralea onobrychis.