This variety of Yellow Violet (
pubescens pubescens) forms 0-2 basal leaves
from the rootstock during early to mid-spring. When they are present,
the basal leaves are 1½-3" long and similarly across; they are
oval-cordate or orbicular-cordate in shape and their margins are
crenate-serrate. The upper surfaces of basal leaves are medium green
and glabrous to sparsely short-pubescent, while their lower surfaces
are light green and pubescent (especially along the major veins). The
erect to ascending petioles of the basal leaves are are 2-5" long,
light green,
and pubescent. For this variety of Yellow Violet, only 1-2 leafy stems
are produced per rootstalk. These stems are 4-10" long, light green,
terete, and conspicuously pubescent; they are erect, ascending, or
sprawling. Alternate leaves occur along each stem. These leaves are
2-4" long and 2-3½" across; they are ovate-cordate to oval-cordate in
shape, while their margins are crenate-serrate and ciliate. The upper
surfaces of alternate leaves are medium green, glabrous to sparsely
short-pubescent, while their lower surfaces are light green and
pubescent (especially along the major veins). The petioles of alternate
leaves are ½-4" long, light green, and pubescent. At the petiole bases,
there are pairs of leafy stipules about ¼-¾" long. The stipules are
light green, lanceolate-oblong to lanceolate-ovate in shape, smooth
or slightly toothed along their margins, and glabrous to pubescent.
Individual flowers are produced from the axils of alternate leaves.
flower spans about ¾" across, consisting of 5 yellow petals, 5
light green sepals, 5 inserted stamens, and a pistil with an inserted
style. Branched brownish purple veins occur along the lowest petal and,
to a much lesser extent, the 2 lower lateral petals. At the bases of
the 2 lower lateral petals, there are small tufts of hair. The lowest
petal has a nectar spur that is short and blunt. The sepals are shorter
than the petals, linear-lanceolate in shape, and glabrous. The slender
pedicels of the flowers are 2-8" long, light green, pubescent, and
ascending. The tips of the pedicels are curved, causing the flowers to
nod partially. Toward the middle of each pedicel, there is a pair of
tiny bractlets that are about 2 mm. long, light green, and
linear-lanceolate in shape. The blooming period occurs from mid- to
late spring, lasting about 1-1½ months. The flowers are often slightly
fragrant. After the flowers with showy petals have finished blooming,
cleistogamous flowers without petals are produced. Fertile flowers of
both types are replaced by seed capsules about ½" long that are ovoid,
bluntly 3-angled, and either glabrous or

pubescent. Immature capsules
are light green, but they later turn brown and split open into 3 parts,
ejecting their seeds. The seeds are about 2.0-2.5 mm. long,
ovoid-globoid in shape, slightly flattened, and tan-colored to brown.
Each seed
has a small oily appendage. The root system is rhizomatous and fibrous.
The clonal plants are occasionally produced from the rhizomes.
The preference is partial sun to light shade, moist to dry-mesic
conditions, and a relatively loose soil containing loam or sandy loam
with some decaying organic matter (e.g., fallen leaves). This violet
doesn't tolerate mowing. It is able to flourish in areas that have pine
needles as ground litter to a greater extent than many other plants.
& Habitat: The native Hairy Yellow Violet (
Viola pubescens
pubescens) is occasional in northern Illinois, while in
the rest of the
state it is apparently absent. It is less common
within the state than another variety of this species, Smooth Yellow
Violet (
Viola pubescens
eriocarpa). Habitats include mesic to upland
woodlands, sandy woodlands, forested sand dunes, and areas
woodland paths.
Associations: The flowers are cross-pollinated primarily
by bees,
including mason bees (
spp.), little carpenter bees (
spp.), Anthophorid bees, Halictid bees, and Andrenid bees.
Other insects that visit the flowers include bee flies
Bombylius major),
small butterflies, and skippers. Bees suck nectar
and collect pollen, while other floral visitors suck nectar. Some
insects feed destructively on the foliage, plant juices, and other
parts of violets (
spp.). These insect feeders include
Neotoxoptera violae
(Violet Aphid),
pallipes (Violet
pictipennis (a thrips), caterpillars of the moth
Elaphria grata
(Grateful Midget), and caterpillars of various
Fritillary butterflies (
Speyeria spp.). Because of their oily appendages, the
seeds are spread to new areas by ants. Among vertebrate
animals, the seeds of violets are consumed by such birds as the
Mourning Dove, Ruffed Grouse, Wild Turkey, and Slate-Colored Junco; and
by such small rodents as the Pine Mouse and White-Footed Mouse (Martin
et al., 1951/1961). The leaves and stems of these plants are eaten by
the Cottontail Rabbit, Eastern Chipmunk, and Wood Turtle (Martin et
al., 1951/1961; Wrazen & Svendsen, 1978; Ernst et al., 1994).
White-Tailed Deer browse on the foliage very sparingly.
Photographic Location: A forested sand dune at the Indiana
Dunes State Park in NW Indiana.
Because Hairy Yellow Violet (
pubescens pubescens) and Smooth
Yellow Violet (
pubescens eriocarpa) intergrade, they are
considered different varieties of the same species. Hairy Yellow Violet
can be identified by the conspicuous pubescence on its stems, pedicels,
and leaf undersides, while the stems, pedicels, and leaf undersides of
Smooth Yellow Violet are slightly short-pubescent to nearly glabrous.
Hairy Yellow Violet also differs from the latter variety by producing
fewer basal leaves and leafy stems per rootstalk, and its stipules are
usually larger in size and more rounded toward their tips. Plants with
glabrous seed capsules have been
classified as
pubescens peckii (Peck's Yellow
Violet), but most botanists don't recognize this variety at the present
Another common name of
pubescens pubescens is Downy Yellow Violet.