This perennial wildflower is an emergent aquatic about 3-8' tall,
consisting of a small cluster of 2-5 deciduous basal leaves and a tall
flowering stalk. The blades of basal leaves are 6-21" long and about
one-third as much across; they are lanceolate to ovate in
shape and smooth
(entire) along their margins. The upper blade surface is pale
green and glabrous, while the lower blade surface is whitish green and
glaucous. Fine hairs are often present along the base, central veins,
and margins of the blade underside. The erect petioles
of basal leaves are 1½-3' long; they develop from a basal sheath. The
petioles and basal sheath remain buoyant in water as a result
of internal air cavities. The ascending blades diverge from
their sheathed petioles at an
angle. Leaf venation is pinnate with lateral veins that are
curving toward the blade tips as they approach the margins.
An erect or
ascending stalk about 4-8' tall terminates in a floral
panicle about 4-18" long with a leafy bract at its
base that is early-deciduous. The lateral branches
of the panicle are ascending to drooping and slightly zigzag;
are reddish brown, but covered with a white powdery bloom. The
whitish purple flowers develop in pairs along these lateral branches,
where they bloom
in succession. Adjacent pairs of flowers are spaced about 3 mm. from
each other. A pair of large floral bracts are located at
the base of each pair of flowers; these bracts are powdery white. Each
flower is about 10-17 mm. long,
consisting of 3 sepals, 3 petals, an ovary with a single
style, a single fertile stamen, and 3 staminodia (sterile stamens).
The membranous sepals are about 2 mm. long and insignificant. The
petals join together at the base, forming a short corolla
tube. The fertile stamen and staminodia are highly modified petaloid
structures; they are purple to whitish purple and showy. The hooded
staminodium has a pair of trigger-like appendages that, when they are
depressed, release an elastic
style with a cup-shaped stigma, enabling cross-pollination of the
flower. The blooming period occurs from
mid- to late summer, lasting about 1 month (in Illinois). Afterwards,
fertile flowers are

replaced by globoid-ovoid
seed capsules. Each capsule
contains a single large seed about 8 mm. long that is dark
brown, globoid-ovoid in shape, and smooth. The root system is
rhizomatous, from which
clonal colonies of plants are produced.
preference is full sun, wet ground with up to 1½' of water, and muddy
or clay
soil with organic matter. This wildflower can be propagated by
either its seeds or division of its rhizomes. It is hardy to
Zone 5 or Zone 6 if the rhizomes are protected by standing water during
the winter and a northern ecotype is selected.
& Habitat:
The native Powdery Thalia has been found in Alexander County at the
southern tip of Illinois, where it is rare and state-listed as
'endangered.' Elsewhere in the state, it is absent. Illinois lies along
the northern range limit of this species; it is more common in areas
further south. Habitats include margins of ponds, marshes, swamps, and
wet ditches along roads. Powdery Thalia is cultivated occasionally as
an ornamental plant for ponds and wetland gardens.
Associations: The unusual
flowers rely on explosive secondary pollination. The anther of the
fertile stamen drops pollen grains onto a depression of the elastic
style (immediately behind its stigma) during evening hours.
The following
morning, flower-visiting insects can trigger an appendage of the hooded
staminodium, releasing the elastic style with its load of pollen. This
area of the style strikes near the insect's head. The flowers of
Powdery Thalia are cross-pollinated by
nectar-seeking carpenter
bees (
Xylocopa virginica)
and possibly large bumblebees (
flies and other smaller insects often become trapped by the elastic
styles of the
flowers and die. Such floral visitors as large butterflies and
hummingbirds are able to feed on nectar without triggering the
explosive mechanism of pollen delivery; they are considered nectar
thieves. The caterpillars of
ethlius (Brazilian
Skipper) feed on the leaves of Powdery Thalia; they are leaf-rollers.
This skipper does not successfully overwinter in Illinois, but it
migrates northward and can reach the state during the summer. The large
seeds are eaten by the
Mallard, Lesser Scaup, and probably other ducks (Martin &
Photographic Location: A botanical garden in Chicago,
Illinois. The photographs were taken by Rita Ryan (Copyright © 2012).
Powdery Thalia is the only species in the Arrowroot family
that is native to Illinois. It is a tropical-looking plant with large
showy leaves and unusual purple flowers. The only other species of this
genus that is native to the United States,
Thalia geniculata
Flag), is found primarily in areas along the Gulf coast. It differs
from Powdery Thalia by the lack of white powdery bloom on its foliage
and flowers. In addition, the lateral floral branches of
Alligator Flag are more zigzag
than those of Powdery Thalia because adjacent pairs of its flowers are
more widely spaced (at least 5 mm. apart).