herbaceous wildflower is a biennial about 1-3' tall. During the
first year, it forms a low rosette of leaves, while during the second
year it bolts, forming flowering stalks. Small second-year plants
branch sparingly, if at all, while robust second-year plants branch
readily, especially above. The stems are light green, yellowish green,
or reddish green; they are terete and glabrous. Pairs of opposite
leaves occur along these stems. Individual leaves are 1-2½" long and
¼-1" across; they are ovate, lanceolate, or narrowly lanceolate in
shape and smooth along their margins. Each leaf is rounded at the base,
where it is sessile or clasps the stem. Both the lower and upper
surfaces of the leaves are yellowish green to medium green and
glabrous. The leaves have prominent central veins and a slightly
succulent texture.
Upper stems terminate with individual flowers on
long peduncles (up to 8" in length). Each flower is 1½-2½" long,
of a broad tubular corolla with spreading 4 lobes that are rounded and
fringed, 4 lanceolate to ovate sepals that are about one-half the
length of the
corolla, 4 inserted stamens, and a pistil with a short style. The
corolla varies in color from medium blue to deep dark blue. The
sepals are light green to reddish green, glabrous, and keeled; 2
sepals are shorter than the other 2 sepals. The shorter sepals have
membranous margins. The upright peduncles are light green to reddish
green and glabrous; they are terete and sometimes slightly ribbed
(striated). The blooming period occurs from early to mid-fall and lasts
about 1½-2 months. The flowers are diurnal, opening up on sunny days,
while remaining closed on cloudy days and during the night. There is no
noticeable floral scent. The flowers

are replaced by elongated
capsules. Individual capsules divide into 2 parts to release the
numerous tiny seeds within. To some
extent, they are distributed by
wind and water. The seed surface is minutely bumpy. The root system
consists of a shallow branching taproot. This wildflower reproduces by
reseeding itself.
The preference is full or partial
sun, somewhat wet to moist conditions, and calcareous sandy soil
with a neutral pH. Insect pests and disease organisms rarely bother
this wildflower. Robust plants can sprawl if they are not supported by
adjacent vegetation.
& Habitat: Fringed Gentian is a
rare native wildflower that is found in NE Illinois, while in
the rest of the state it is absent (see
populations have declined from habitat destruction, Fringed
Gentian is not yet listed as 'endangered' or 'threatened' within the
state. Habitats include wet to moist sand prairies, sandy pannes
near Lake Michigan, edges of sandy sloughs and sandy swales, fens, open
wooded swamps, wooded ravines, roadside ditches, and open damp areas
along sandy trails. Fringed Gentian is usually associated with high
quality wetlands where the original flora is still intact, although it
has a tendency to colonize open disturbed areas both in and
around these habitats.
Associations: Information about floral-faunal
relationships for this wildflower is scant. The nectar and
pollen of the flowers attract primarily bumblebees. Costelloe (1988)
observed the following bumblebees visiting the flowers of Fringed
Gentian in Ohio:
Bombus vagans.
Apparently, the bitter foliage is rarely bothered by
insects and mammalian herbivores.
Location: Edge of a wet sandy meadow along a trail at the
Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore in NW Indiana.
Comments: The flowers
have an unearthly beauty that is positively stunning;
Fringed Gentian ranks among the most attractive of all wildflowers
within Illinois. Another similar species in this genus is
(Lesser Fringed Gentian). This latter species is a petite version
of Fringed Gentian: it is usually shorter with smaller flowers
and leaves. The flowers of Lesser Fringed Gentian have corolla
lobes that are less deeply fringed, and its leaves are more narrow
(becoming linear-lanceolate to nearly linear underneath the flowers).
Lesser Fringed
Gentian is even less common than Fringed Gentian, preferring similar to
slightly wetter habitats. Another common name of
Gentianopsis crinita
is Greater Fringed Gentian; a scientific synonym of this species is
Gentiana crinita.