Birds Feeding on the Fruit
of Red Elderberry
(Sambucus racemosa)


Bird Species
(Scientific & Common Names)

Pheucticus ludovicianus *
(Rose-breasted Grosbeak)

Ectopistes migratorius **
(Passenger Pigeon)

Dumetella carolinensis *
(Gray Catbird)

Mimus polyglottos *
(Northern Mockingbird)

Toxostoma rufum *
(Brown Thrasher)

Bonasa umbellus
(Ruffed Grouse)

Colaptes auratus *
(Northern Flicker)

Melanerpes carolinus *
(Red-bellied Woodpecker)

Melanerpes erythrocephalus *
(Red-headed Woodpecker)

Catharus fuscescens *

Catharus guttatus *
(Hermit Thrush)

Catharus ustulatus *
(Swainson's Thrush)

Sialia sialis *
(Eastern Bluebird)

Turdus migratorius *
(American Robin)

Empidonax alnorum *
(Alder Flycatcher)

Tyrannus tyrannus
(Eastern Kingbird)

* this shrub is a source of protective cover for this bird
** this bird is now extinct

Note: All birds in this table have been observed
to eat the fruits of this shrub 

Sources: DeGraaf (2002), Schorger (1955),
Bennetts (1900), Beal (1915a), Beal (1915b)
