At maturity, this tree is 60-100' tall, forming a trunk 2-4' across and
an arching crown with drooping branchlets. The trunk is long and
undivided in forested areas, but it is shorter in open areas before
dividing into major branches. On young trees, trunk bark is gray and
slightly rough overall, but it often has irregular longitudinal stripes
that are colored black and white. On older trees, trunk bark is gray
and more furrowed. Branches and branchlets have gray bark that is more
smooth, while twigs are smooth, brown, and terete. Alternate deciduous
leaves occur along the twigs and branchlets; they are typically
arranged in 2 rows. The leaf blades are 3-5" long and 1¼-3" across;
they are ovate to ovate-obovate and doubly serrated along their
margins. The upper surface of the blades is medium green and smooth to
slightly rough in texture (hairs are not readily visible). The lower
surface of the blades is pale green and largely hairless, except for
small tufts of white hair in the axils of the major veins. The major
veins on the leaf undersides are often short-pubescent or canescent.
The petioles are whitish or yellowish green, often short-pubescent or
canescent, and very short (less than ¼" in length). The leaf blades are
pinnately veined with about 15 pairs of lateral veins. The lateral
veins are relatively straight and run
parallel to each other. On each side of the central vein, there are 0-3
lateral veins that become conspicuously forked near the leaf margins,
otherwise they are undivided.
Toward the tips of last year's
branches, perfect flowers develop in small clusters of 3-5. There
are several drooping flowers per cluster; their pedicels are about ½"
long. Individual flowers are about 1/8" across, consisting of
a short calyx with 7-9 lobes, an ovary with a divided style, and
7-9 stamens. The calyx is typically reddish green, while the anthers
are red (but becoming dark-colored with age). These flowers bloom
during early to mid-spring for about 1-2 weeks; they are
cross-pollinated primarily by the wind. The flowers are replaced by
flattened single-seeded samaras about 1/3" (8 mm.) long and a little
less across; they
are ovate in shape, except for notches at their tips. The
samaras have long hairs along their margins (ciliate), otherwise they
are hairless. In the center of each samara is an ellipsoid seed that is
somewhat flattened; it is surrounded by a membranous wing. At maturity
during the late spring or early summer, the samaras usually become
light tan (sometimes they are reddish). The samaras are distributed by
the wind. In moist areas, the woody root system is shallow and
spreading, but in dry areas it is more deep and develops a taproot.
During the autumn, leaves turn yellow before falling to the ground.
The preference is full sun to light shade, moist to mesic areas, and
fertile loamy soil. However, American Elm will adapt to drier areas and
it can tolerate a wide range of soil types,

including those that
contain clay, silt, or sand. Temporary flooding is tolerated during the
winter dormancy period, otherwise good drainage is required. Because of
this tree's vulnerability to Dutch Elm Disease, Phloem Necrosis,
and other problems, it tends to be short-lived and usually fails to
reach its mature size. It can be propagated by leaf bud cuttings.
& Habitat: While there has been some population
decline because of
disease organisms, the native American Elm is still common within
Illinois; it has been found in every county (see
Habitats include moist to mesic deciduous woodlands, savannas, woodland
openings, woodland borders, wooded terraces along major rivers,
flatwoods in upland areas, shaded banks of rivers and
streams, higher ground in swamps, fence rows, and roadsides. Today,
American Elm is found primarily as an understory tree in both higher
quality habitats and disturbed areas. At one time, it was an important
canopy tree in deciduous woodlands throughout the state, particularly
in bottomland areas. Some older trees are still found in isolated urban
areas. Prior to the mid-20th century, American Elm was often used as a
landscape tree along streets.
Associations: Even though the flowers are primarily
honeybees sometimes collect pollen from them, and they may function as
minor pollinators. This is possible because the flowers are perfect,
rather than unisexual. Some insects feed on the foliage and other parts
of American Elm and other elms (
spp.); this includes the
caterpillars of the butterflies
comma (Comma) and
interrogationis (Questionmark). Elms are also host plants
for the
caterpillars of
bidentata (Double-Toothed Prominent),
amyntor (Elm Sphinx), and other moths. Elms are the winter
hosts of
Eriosoma spp.
(Woolly Aphids); they are also hosts of
ulmicola (Elm Cockscomb Aphid) and
Tinocallis ulmifolii
(Elm Leaf Aphid). Other insect feeders include
Gossyparia spuria
(European Elm
Corythucha ulmi
(Elm Lace Bug), the plant bugs
invitus and
irrorata, and many leafhoppers (primarily
Eratoneura spp.
spp.). American Elm is a preferred host plant of
the following leafhoppers:
Eratoneura basilaris,
Eratoneura bigemina,
Eratoneura bispinosa,
Erythridula obliqua.
One species,
luteolus (White-Banded
Elm Leafhopper), transmits the virus causing phloem necrosis.
The larvae of
tridentata (Elm Borer) and several other
long-horned beetles bore through the wood of elms. Two species of bark
rufipes (Native Elm Bark Beetle) and
multistriatus (Small European Elm Bark Beetle), transmit
the fungus causing
Dutch Elm Disease. Another group of insect feeders include
Calligrapha scalaris
(Elm Calligrapha),
(Large Elm Leaf Beetle), and
luteola (Elm Leaf Beetle). The
Insect Table
provides a more complete list of insect species that feed
on elms.
Vertebrate animals also use American Elm and other elms as a food
source. The following birds eat the seeds or buds of these trees: Wood
Duck, Prairie Chicken, Wild Turkey, Carolina Chickadee, Rose-Breasted
Grosbeak, Purple Finch, Eastern Goldfinch, House Sparrow, and
Yellow-Rumped Warbler. The Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker drills holes
through the bark to suck the sap. Among mammals, the Gray Squirrel, Fox
Squirrel, Red Squirrel, and Eastern Chipmunk eat the seeds, while the
Cottontail Rabbit and White-Tailed Deer occasionally browse on the
twigs and foliage. The beaver gnaws on the wood and bark
of trees that grow near sources of water. Such birds as the Baltimore
Warbling Vireo, and Red-Shouldered Hawk use elms as habitat for their
Location: A woodland opening and woodland border at Busey
Woods in Urbana, Illinois.
This tree is one of the fallen icons of America, but it still lingers
in diminished form. It is a reasonably attractive tree with shiny
leaves. In the past, the wood was used to make furniture, flooring,
crates, hockey sticks, and caskets. The wood is heavy, hard, and
strong, but it lacks durability and has a tendency to warp. American
Elm can be distinguished from other elms (
Ulmus spp.) by
considering the following
characteristics: 1) its samaras are ciliate along their margins,
otherwise they are hairless, 2) the upper surface of its leaves is
largely hairless with a smooth to slightly rough texture, 3) on each
side of the central vein of a leaf, there are 0-3 lateral veins that
become forked toward the leaf margin, 4) a cross-section of the bark on
older trees reveals alternating light and dark layers, and 5) its
terete twigs never have corky wings. Other elm trees in
Illinois fail to satisfy one or more of the above characteristics.