
Insects Feeding
on these Plants:


Phalaris spp.
(Canary Grass) [Poaceae]
(observations are from Blackman & Eastop, Spencer & Steyskal)

Diptera (Flies)
Agromyzidae: Cerodontha dorsalis (Grass Sheath Miner) [larvae are leaf-miners, pupating in sheaths; widespread] SS1986

Homoptera (Sucking Insects)

Aphididae: Atheroides serrulatus [feeds on the leaves of various grasses; this European aphid has been found in Quebec] BE2013, Rhopalomyzus poae [found on Lonicera spp. as primary hosts, migrating during the summer to the basal parts of various grasses; this aphid has been observed in Illinois & Wisconsin, it also occurs in Europe] BE2013, Rhopalosiphum oxyacanthae (Apple-Grass Aphid) [curls leaves of various trees & shrubs in the Rosaceae, migrating during the summer to the roots of various grasses; this aphid is distributed in NE USA & north-central USA, including Illinois] BE2013