The vernal form of this perennial grass forms tufts of leafy culms
about 12-20" tall (see
Leafy Culm). The erect to ascending culms are light to medium
green, softly hairy, and terete; they are partially hidden by the
sheaths. Along each culm, there are about 4-5 alternate leaves along
lower 75% of its length. Toward the middle of each culm during the
blooming period, there may be 2 or more lateral culms that are leafy
and short. Leaf blades along the central culm are 2-4" long, 4-10
mm. across, and ascending to widely spreading. The upper blade surface
is medium green or greenish blue, dull, and nearly hairless to covered
with long
appressed hairs. The lower blade surface is pale to medium green, dull,
and evenly short-hairy. The lower margins of each leaf blade are
ciliate with long white hairs. The leaf sheaths are pale to medium
green, longitudinally veined, and covered with spreading to ascending
hairs (both long and short hairs are present). The ligules are 2-5 mm.
long; each ligule consists of a short-chaffy membrane and a collar of
hairs. The nodes are slightly swollen; they have widely spreading long
The central culm terminates in an exerted panicle of spikelets
about 2-3½" long and 2-3" across. This inflorescence has an airy
appearance and it is broadly ovoid-pyramidal in shape. Along the
central axis of the panicle, there are lateral branches in groups of
1-3 that subdivide into pedicels about 0.5-1.0 cm. long; each pedicel
terminates in a single-flowered spikelet. The central axis is slender,
medium green, and sparsely hairy, while the slender lateral branches
are wiry, hairless, and light to medium green. The lateral branches are
ascending to widely spreading and
stiff. The spikelets are 2.0-2.5 mm. in length and about one-half as
much across; they are light green to purplish green (becoming light tan
with age), ovoid-obovoid in shape, and hairy with fine longitudinal
veins. Each spikelet consists of 2 glumes, a lemma, and a perfect
floret. The shorter glume is about one-third the length of the spikelet
and ovate in shape, while the longer glume and lemma are the same
length as the spikelet. The blooming period of the vernal form occurs
from late spring to early summer and lasts about 1 week. The florets
are cross-pollinated by the wind. Afterwards, the autumnal form of this
grass develops an abundance of low lateral branches that are leafy and

a rosette. The autumnal blades of this grass are a little
smaller in size than its vernal blades. Sometimes the lateral
develop small panicles of florets that have fewer spikelets than the
vernal panicle. The mature grains of the spikelets are about 2 mm.
long, 1 mm. across, ovoid or broadly ellipsoid, slightly compressed,
light tan, and hairless. The root system consists of a shallow knotty
crown of fibrous roots.
The preference is full sun
to light shade, mesic to dry conditions, and a somewhat acidic soil
that is sandy, gravelly, or rocky.
& Habitat:
The native White-Haired Panic Grass is occasional in northern,
southern, and a
small area of central Illinois, otherwise it is rare or absent (see
This map shows the combined distribution of the typical variety of
Dichanthelium villosissimum
var. pseudopubescens.
Habitats include sandy or rocky upland woods, sandy
savannas, upland sand prairies and gravel prairies, sandstone glades
and cliffs, and stabilized sand dunes near Lake Michigan. White-Haired
Panic Grass is found in both open wooded areas and sunny areas that are
relatively dry and sterile. Occasional disturbance that reduces woody
vegetation is probably beneficial in maintaining populations of this
Associations: Caterpillars of several skippers feed on
panic grasses
Dichanthelium spp.
Panicum spp.),
(Indian Skipper),
hobomok (Hobomok Skipper),
themistocles (Tawny-Edged Skipper), and
Wallengrenia egremet
Broken Dash). Other insect feeders of these grasses include leaf-mining
caterpillars of the moth
panicifoliella, the leaf beetle
Chalepus bicolor, the stilt bug
Jalysus spinosus,
the stink bug
pugnax, and such leafhoppers as
Flexamia areolata,
Polyamia herbida,
Polyamia rossi.
Among vertebrate animals, the Greater Prairie
Chicken, Cowbird, Horned Lark, Dickcissel, Field Sparrow, Savannah
Sparrow, Snow Bunting, and other birds eats the seeds of these grasses
(see the
Bird Table for a
more complete listing of these species). The
wild House Mouse and Prairie Deer Mouse also eat the seeds. The young
foliage of panic grasses is palatable to many mammalian herbivores,
including rabbits, horses, cattle, and sheep. Deer also browse on the
autumnal form of the foliage during winter.
Location: A stabilized sand dune with scattered oak trees
near Lake
Michigan at the Indiana Dunes State Park in NW Indiana.
This panic grass is quite hairy. It is also rather variable as
different varieties have been described with varying degrees of
success. According to Mohlenbrock (1973/2001), the typical variety of
White-Haired Panic Grass has culms and sheaths with widely spreading
hairs, ligules that are 4-5 mm. long, and leaf blade upper
surfaces that have appressed long hairs. Another variety,
villosissimum pseudopubescens, has culms and sheaths with
appressed to
ascending hairs, ligules that are 2-3 mm. long, and leaf blade upper
surfaces that are either glabrous or short-hairy. However, some
specimens of this grass display characteristics that are a mixture of
these two varieties. Unlike
Mohlenbrock, some authorities regard
Dichanthelium praecocius
as a
variety of White-Haired Panic Grass, or
Dichanthelium villosissimum
praecocius. Generally, White-Haired Panic Grass can be
from other panic grasses by its hairy foliage, hairy
the size of its spikelets (2.0-2.5 mm. long), and the width of its
vernal leaf blades (4-10 mm. across).