This perennial sedge usually forms a dense tussock of leafy culms about
2½-4' tall. Both fertile and infertile shoots are produced: the culms
of fertile shoots are taller than those of sterile shoots. Alternate
leaves are produced along the lower one-third of each fertile culm,
while on each stertile culm they are produced along its entire length.
Culms are light green, sharply 3-angled, glabrous, and firm; they are
somewhat rough along the angles underneath the inflorescence. The
lowest leaves produce sheaths and very short, if any, blades. Other
leaves produce blades up to 3' long and 3-6 mm. across. These blades
are rather floppy or arching; when they are raised, the blades rarely
overtop the culms. The upper surface of each leaf blade is medium
green, hairless, and shiny, while the lower surface is pale
green, hairless, and dull. The margins of each blade
are rough-textured. The sheaths are light to medium green and hairless;
they become discolored with age (often turning brown), while the lowest
sheaths become increasingly fibrous and loose.
Each fertile culm
terminates in an inflorescence up to 1' long that consists of
1-3 staminate spikelets, 2-4 pistillate spikelets, and leafy bracts.
Some spikelets may have staminate florets above and pistillate florets
below. All spikelets are straight or slightly nodding, and staminate
spikelets are located above the pistillate spikelets. The pistillate
spikelets are ¾-3" long and narrowly cylindrical
in shape (about 5 mm. across); they are densely covered with perigynia
that are overlapping and ascending. The staminate spikelets are ½-2½"
long and even more narrow than the pistillate spikelets. The
terminal staminate spikelet develops on a peduncle about ½-1" long,
while the remaining spikelets are sessile or nearly so. Immature
spikelets are green, but they turn brown at maturity. The perigynia are
2.5-3.0 mm. in length, broadly ovoid-ellipsoid in shape, somewhat
flattened, and hairless. Both their inner and outer sides are
essentially nerveless, although their outer sides may have very faint
longitudinal veins that are difficult to see. The pistillate
scales are 1.5-3.0 mm. in length, oblong or oblong-lanceolate in shape,
and hairless, tapering to blunt tips. They are also green-veined along
their midsections and membranous along their margins. Underneath the
pistillate spikelets, there are leafy bracts up to 5" long and 4 mm.
across, becoming smaller as they ascend the inflorescence. The

period occurs from mid-spring to early summer, lasting about 1 week.
The florets are wind-pollinated. The achenes are about 1.5 mm. long,
1.0 mm. across, obovoid, and flattened. They are distributed by wind or
water. The root system is short-rhizomatous and fibrous. At favorable
sites, colonies of plants often develop.
preference is full sun, wet to moist conditions, and soil that is sandy
or mucky. This sedge adapts readily to shallow seasonal flooding,
forming tussocks above the water-line. This increases the supply of
oxygen to the roots. In some situations, this sedge can spread
& Habitat: The native Tussock Sedge is
locally common in northern Illinois, occasional in central Illinois,
and rare to absent in the southern section of the state. Habitats
include sedge meadows, fens, seeps, low
areas along springs, prairie swales, and seasonal wetlands. In
these habitats, Tussock Sedge is not uncommonly the dominant plant. It
adapts to both sandy and non-sandy wetlands.
Associations: The following leaf beetles have been
observed to
feed on Tussock Sedge:
Plateumaris metallica,
Plateumaris nitida,
Plateumaris pusilla,
Stenispa metallica.
The caterpillars of several skippers feed on this
and other sedges (Carex spp.):
conspicuus (Black Dash),
dion (Dion Skipper),
vestris (Dun Skipper),
(Mulberry Wing), and
viator (Broad-Winged Skipper). Other insect
feeders include
costicollis (Sedge Billbug), the seed bugs
Cymus angustatus
Oedancala dorsalis,
the plant bugs
insignis and
discolor, stem-boring larvae of the flies
Cordilura varipes
Loxocera cylindrica
(Rust Fly),
caterpillars of the
appalachia (Appalachian Brown) and
eurydice (Eyed Brown), caterpillars of the moths
Macrochilo absorptalis
(Slant-Lined Owlet) and
inquinata (Tufted Sedge Moth), several species of
spp.), and sedge grasshoppers (
spp.). The seeds and spikelets of wetland sedges are an
source of food to many ducks, rails, and other wetland birds (see
Table). To a limited extent, Muskrats feed on the roots,
sprouts, and
culms of these plants. There are also records of such turtles as
Chelydra serpentina
(Snapping Turtle) and
(Eastern Mud Turtle) feeding on the spikelets and possibly other parts
of sedges. Because Tussock Sedge often forms dense colonies of tall
plants, it provides excellent cover for the Sedge Wren and
other kinds
of wildlife.
Photographic Location:
A sandy swale at the Indiana Dunes National
Lakeshore in NW Indiana. In one of the photographs, the perigynia and
pistillate scales have turned black because of an extended period of
cool moist storage.
Many people are unaware that
stricta (Tussock Sedge) is
just one of a small group of large tussock-forming sedges that have
long whip-like leaves and inflorescences with multiple pistillate and
staminate spikelets that are narrowly cylindrical. Three other species
in this group can be found in Illinois that are difficult to
distinguish from Tussock Sedge. The first species,
Carex aquatilis
substricta (Aquatic Sedge), differs from Tussock Sedge by
having wider
leaf blades (often exceeding 6.5 mm. across) and perigynia that are
more obovoid in shape (widest above the middle). The lowest leaves of
this species also have well-developed blades. The second species,
emoryi (Emory's Sedge), differs from Tussock Sedge by
having perigynia
with 3-5 conspicuous veins along their outer surfaces and its achenes
are more oblongoid in shape. In addition, some of the longer leaf
blades of this species often overtop its culms. The third species,
haydeni (Hayden's Sedge), differs from Tussock Sedge by
pistillate scales that are longer than the perigynia and its perigynia
are more orbicular in shape. Its pistillate scales also have more
pointed tips than those of Tussock Sedge.