The vernal form of this perennial grass forms a tuft of leafy culms.
These culms are erect to widely spreading, rather stiff, and
unbranched. Several alternate leaves occur along each culm, especially
along the lower half. The blades of these leaves are 2-8" long and 2-4
mm. across; they are green or gray-green and largely hairless,
except sometimes on their lower sides, when they are pubescent.
Relative to the orientation of their culms, the blades are erect to
ascending and rather stiff. The upper leaf blades often overtop the
vernal inflorescence of this grass. The leaf sheaths are colored
similarly to the blades and they are relatively tight; the sheaths are
usually hairless, although sometimes they have scattered hairs. The
ligules are very short (about 0.5 mm. across).
Each vernal culm
terminates in an exerted panicle of spikelets about 1½–3" long and less
than 1" across. Along the central stalk of this panicle, there are a
few lateral branches that are erect to stiffly ascending. These lateral
branches subdivide into short branchlets that terminate into individual
spikelets. The central stalk and branches of the panicle are narrow,
wiry, and glabrous. The spikelets are 3-4 mm. long (typically about 3.5
mm.) and 1.5 mm. across (or a little more). Overall, they are ellipsoid
in shape, longitudinally veined, and usually glabrous (although
sometimes they are sparsely pubescent). The tips of these spikelets
have a beak-like shape. Immature spikelets are green, while mature
spikelets become light brown. Each spikelet has a short glume, long
glume, lemma, and floret. The short glume is about one-third of
the length of the spikelet, while the long glume and lemma are the same
length of the spikelet and comprise its two sides. Each floret consists
of a pair of feathery red stigmata, the anthers, and an ovary. These
florets bloom during the late spring for 1-2 weeks; they

cross-pollinated by the wind. In its autumnal form, this grass branches
at the base, forming a tuft of short leafy culms. Some of the sheaths
of these culms contain small panicles of spikelets that are at least
partially hidden. The florets of these autumnal spikelets are
self-fertile. The grains of this grass are about 2.0 mm. long, 1.5
mm. across, broadly ellipsoid in shape, and slightly flattened. The
root system consists of a crown of fibrous roots.
The preference is full or partial sun, dry conditions, and sterile
soil containing sand or rocky material.
& Habitat: The native Starved Panic Grass (
depauperatum) is occasional in most areas of Illinois,
although in the
east-central section of the state it is largely absent. Habitats
include upland rocky woodlands, upland
sandy woodlands, upland savannas and upland sandy savannas, dry
prairies and sand prairies, rocky glades, wooded sand dunes along Lake
Michigan, abandoned sandy fields, and sterile waste areas. Occasional
wildfires are probably beneficial in maintaining appropriate habitat
for this grass, especially when the overhead canopy of woody vegetation
is reduced. Starved Panic Grass can be found in both high quality
natural areas and disturbed areas that are sandy, rocky, or
Associations: Various insects feed on the foliage, plant
juices, and
other parts of panic grasses (
spp.). This
includes the leaf beetle
bicolor, the stilt bug
Jalysus spinosus, the stink bug
Mormidea lugens,
the aphid
erigeronensis, various leafhoppers, the larvae of various
moths, and
the larvae of various skippers. The
Insect Table lists
some of these
insects. As an upland grass, the seeds of Starved Panic Grass
depauperatum) are eaten by upland gamebirds and
granivorous songbirds, including the Ring-Necked Pheasant, Bobwhite
Quail, Wild Turkey, Mourning Dove, Dickcissel, Horned Lark, Field
Sparrow, Savannah Sparrow, and White-Crowned Sparrow (see the
Bird Table for a
more complete listing of these species). Among
mammals, the House Mouse and Deer Mouse also eat the seeds of panic
grasses, while the White-Tailed Deer and Cottontail Rabbit browse on
the foliage occasionally. In addition, the young foliage is palatable
to such domesticated animals as cattle, horses, and sheep.
Location: A wooded sand dune along Lake Michigan at the
Indiana Dunes State Park in NW Indiana.
There are several dozen species in the Dichanthelium genus that are
native to the state of Illinois. All of these species were assigned to
the Panicum genus not so very long ago. Starved Panic Grass (
Dichanthelium depauperatum)
can be
distinguished from most of these species by its narrow leaf blades
(only 2-4 mm. across). Among those few species remaining with leaf
blades less than 5 mm. across, Starved Panic Grass can be distinguished
by the longer length of its spikelets (typically 3.5 mm. long) and
their beak-like tips. Spikelets of similar species in this genus have
shorter spikelets with more rounded tips. Starved Panic Grass has a
somewhat unusual appearance because of its erect to
ascending leaf blades (relative to the orientation of its culms);
both its culms and leaf blades appear stiff and straight. As a result,
robust tufts of the vernal form of this grass in sunny areas can
resemble small yucca plants.