Microstegium vimineum
Grass family (Poaceae)
This grass is
a summer annual that becomes 1½-3¼' tall at maturity. The
culms are branched and decumbent below, while above they are mostly
unbranched and more or less erect. The culms are light green to reddish
purple, glabrous, and terete. Several alternate leaves occur along the
entire length of each culm and its subdivisions. The blades of these
leaves are 1¼-4" long, ¼-½" (6-12 mm.) across, and flat; they are
linear-elliptic in shape with entire margins. The blade bases are
narrowly cuneate (wedge-shaped), while their tips are acute. The upper
blade surfaces are green and glabrous to sparsely hairy
toward their bases, while the lower blade surfaces are similar, except
they are pale green. Leaf sheaths are pale green,
longitudinally veined, and mostly glabrous, except toward their apices,
where they are hairy. The margins of the leaf sheaths are usually
ciliate. The internodes are longer than the sheaths. The nodes are
slightly swollen and glabrous, while the ligules are short-membranous
and about 1 mm. in length.
Toward the apex of each culm, an inflorescence develops that consists
of 1-6 exerted racemes of spikelets. When several racemes are present,
they are organized partially into a fan-like (digitate) cluster.
Individual racemes are 1¼-3" long, consisting of several pairs of erect

For each pair of spikelets, one spikelet is sessile, while
the other spikelet has a short hairy pedicel (1.5-4.0 mm. in length).
The spikelets are 4.5-6.0 mm. in length and single-flowered. Each
spikelet consists of 2 glumes, 1 fertile lemma, and a perfect floret
with 3 anthers. The glumes are 4.5-6.0 mm. in length, narrowly
lanceolate, longitudinally veined, and ciliate along their margins. The
lemma is much smaller and hidden by the glumes. The lemma is
either awnless or it has an awn about 2-8 mm. in length; sometimes the
awn is hidden by the glumes. In addition to the exerted racemes,
several inserted racemes are produced that remain hidden within the
upper sheaths. The exerted racemes are chasmogamous and
cross-pollinated by the wind, while the inserted sheaths are
cleistogamous and self-fertile. The blooming period occurs during early
to mid-fall. Afterwards, ellipsoid grains develop that
become 2.5-3.0 mm. in length at maturity. The grains are dispersed
later in the fall with their lemmas (whether awned or awnless); they
can be blown about by the wind or float on water. The root system is
fibrous. This grass can spread vegetatively by forming new rootlets
when the nodes of the decumbent culms remain in contact with moist
soil. As a result, this grass often forms colonies of plants.
The preference is partial sun, moist conditions, and mildly acidic
to neutral soil containing some loam, including those with clay-loam,
sandy loam, and silty loam. However, Japanese Stiltgrass will tolerate
situations involving exposure to full sun, light shade, and even medium
shade, and it can colonize mesic to slightly dry areas. Even though
this grass prefers moist conditions and some shade, it has a C4
metabolism that enables it to grow throughout the summer,
regardless of the heat. In eastern North America, including Illinois,
this grass can be very invasive, forming large colonies that displace
other ground vegetation, therefore it should not be planted. The most
effective methods of eradication involve hand-pulling (for small
populations), the use of herbicides, and mowing during late summer
before the seedheads are produced. The grains can remain viable in the
ground for 3-5 years.
& Habitat: The non-native
Japanese Stiltgrass occurs in southern Illinois at scattered locations,
where it can be locally common. It was accidentally introduced into the
United States from east Asia during the early 20th century, when it was
first observed in Tennessee. This grass appears to be spreading in
both disturbed and natural areas. Habitats include thinly wooded
sandstone canyons, floodplain woodlands and riverbanks, woodland
openings and borders, disturbed open woodlands, tree plantations,
abandoned land that was mined, grassy areas in parks and around
parking lots, and roadsides. While wildfire can kill this grass,
it can reseed itself and become re-established.
Associations: The presence of Japanese Stiltgrass is
associated with
increased populations of leafhoppers, seedbugs (Lygaeidae),
grasshoppers, and crickets. These insects apparently feed on this grass
to some extent. In addition, a greater abundance of predatory insects,
damsel bugs (Nabidae), apparently feed upon some of the preceding
insects. Such mammalian herbivores as deer, horses, and goats usually
avoid this grass when there is better vegetation to browse. This may be
related to the silica content of its foliage. There is some evidence
that populations of the White-Footed Mouse increase when Japanese
Stiltgrass becomes more abundant as a result of the protective cover
that its clonal colonies provide. To some extent, the grains of this
grass spread to new locations as a result of the agency of animals
and humans. The grains, particularly when they are accompanied by awns,
can stick to the fur of mammals, the feathers of birds, and the
clothing of humans; and they can be spread by muddy feet and shoes.
Heavy construction and road maintenance equipment may spread the grains
along roadsides through muddy tires, or plants with seedheads may
become snagged on the undercarriages of such vehicles.
Location: Shaded grassy area of a park in
southern Illinois.

Because of its paired spikelets, Japanese
(Microstegium vimineum)
belongs to the same tribe of grasses, the
Andropogoneae, as such prairie grasses as Big Bluestem (Andropogon
gerardii) and Little Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium).
Unlike these
species, it is not a bunchgrass, instead forming a turf or mat like
many lawn grasses. Especially during the vegetative state, it is
possible to confuse Japanese Stiltgrass with the native White Grass
(Leersia virginica);
both grasses prefer similar habitats. While the
inflorescences of these two grasses are fairly similar in appearance,
there are important differences between them. White Grass does not
produce its spikelets in pairs (there are no pediceled spikelets), and
its spikelets are smaller (3.0-4.0 mm. in length). The spikelets of
White Grass are unusual in that they lack glumes, possessing only a
and palea. In contrast, the spikelets of Japanese Stiltgrass have
paired glumes that largely hide the lemmas from view. Another
difference is that White Grass is a perennial that blooms a little
earlier in the year (typically mid- to late summer), while Japanese
Stiltgrass is an annual that blooms during the fall. Other scientific
names for Japanese Stiltgrass include Eulalia viminea and
vimineus; these latter two names are regarded as obsolete.
non-native grass can be considered highly invasive of both disturbed
and natural areas in Illinois and other states in eastern North America.