This perennial rush forms a moderately dense to loose tuft
of basal
leaves, from which one or more flowering culms develop. Withered
remnants of the preceding year's leaves are typically present. The
blades of basal leaves are up to 6" long and 7 mm. across; they are
pale green or pale reddish green with stiffened tips
that are hull-shaped. The blades of basal
leaves are hairy along their margins; these
hairs are long, soft, and white. The culms are 4-16" long, light
green, terete, glabrous, and straight. Along each culm, there are 2-3
alternate leaves. The leaf sheaths are pale green (or pale reddish
green near the bases of the culms), mostly
glabrous, longitudinally veined, and closed. At the throat of each
sheath (where it joins the blade), there is a tuft of hairs; these
hairs are long, soft, and white. The blades of alternate leaves are up
to 4" long and 6 mm. across; they are pale green or pale reddish green
stiffened tips that are hull-shaped. The margins of alternate leaves
are often ciliate with hairs that are long, soft, and white.
Each culm terminates in an umbel
of 3-12 flower clusters. The rays (floral stalks) of this umbel are
nearly zero to 3" long; they are straight, light
green, and terete. The rays are divergent by greater than 60º; they are
erect, ascending, widely spreading, or declining.
Individual flower clusters are 5-7 mm. long and 7-11 mm. across; they
are usually subgloboid in shape (more broad than tall), consisting of a
dense cluster of 3-8 flowers. Each flower consists of 6 scaly tepals, 6
stamens, and a
pistil. The tepals are 2.5-3.5 mm. in length and lanceolate in shape;
they are light brown to
dark brown, except for their margins, which are
white-membranous. At the base of each flower or flower cluster, there
are one or more chaffy bractlets that are less than 12 mm. in length
(usually less than 3 mm.). At the
base of each inflorescence, there is a leafy bract up to 2" long,
resembling a small leaf blade. The blooming period occurs during mid-
to late spring, lasting about 1-2 weeks. The flowers are
by the wind. Afterwards, the ovaries develop into seed capsules that
are a little shorter or a little longer than the tepals. These capsules
are obovoid-globoid and somewhat 3-lobed longitudinally,

abruptly into a very short beak. At maturity, each capsule splits open
into 3 sections from the top, releasing 3 seeds. These seeds are small
and light enough to be blown about by the wind. Individual seeds are
about 1.5 mm. in length (excluding their food appendages), broadly
ellipsoid in shape, and dark brown. Attached to one end of each seed,
there is a white food appendage about 0.5 mm. in length. The root
system is fibrous and rhizomatous, occasionally forming clonal offsets.
The preference is partial sun, dry-mesic conditions, and
containing some clay, rocky material, or sand. Most growth and
development occurs during the cool weather of spring.
& Habitat: The native Hedgehog
Wood Rush (
is fairly common in southern
Illinois, while in the rest of the state it is uncommon or absent.
Habitats include upland areas of hilly woodlands, areas
along paths in upland woodlands, thinly wooded bluffs, shaded
rocky cliffs and rocky ledges, and sand prairies. This
rush is found in natural areas of moderate to high quality. Some
disturbance is probably beneficial if it removes excessive shade from
overhead canopy trees.
Associations: Very little is known
about floral-faunal relationships for this species. Because the seeds
have food appendages, they are carried about by ants and possibly other
insects. These insects help to spread the seeds to new locations.
Along the path of a hilly woodland near Lake Charleston in east-central
spite of its grassy or sedge-like appearance, the native Hedgehog
Wood Rush (
is a member of the Rush family (Juncaceae) as its seeds and scaly
tepals are typical of species in this family. Several
Luzula spp. (Wood
Rushes) are very similar to each other and rather variable, resulting
in some taxonomic instability. For example, Hedgehog Wood Rush has been
classified as a variety of the European
Luzula campestris
(Field Wood Rush), or
campestris echinata. It has also been classified as a
subspecies or variety of the native
Luzula multiflora
(Common Wood Rush), or
multiflora echinata. At the present time, most taxonomists
consider Hedgehog Wood Rush to be a distinct species, as treated here.
Because the range of Hedgehog Wood Rush overlaps with the range of
Common Wood Rush in Illinois, it is easy to confuse these two similar
species. Compared to Common Wood Rush, the floral umbels of Hedgehog
Wood Rush have more divergent rays (exceeding 60º), some of which are
often widely spreading or declining. Hedgehog Wood Rush also tends to
have fewer flowers in its flower clusters (3-8) and these clusters are
more flattened (they are wider than they are tall). Another native
species in Illinois,
bulbosa (Bulbous Wood Rush), is similar in appearance to
the preceding species. However, this last species can be distinguished
by the small bulbous tubers of its root system and slightly smaller
seeds (typically about 1.0 mm. in length, excluding the food
appendages). All of these native species seem to prefer upland
woodlands and similar habitats. They typically develop and bloom before
the vernal leaves of canopy trees have opened fully.