This grass is a short-lived cool-season perennial. From fall to early
spring, it consists of a tuft of sprawling basal leaves less than
6" tall. From mid-spring to early summer, leafy culms develop that
are 6-20" long; these culms are erect to sprawling. The slender
culms are light to medium green, terete, hollow, glabrous, and
unbranched. Alternate leaves occur primarily along the lower one-third
of each culm. The linear leaf blades are 1-3 mm. across and 1-4" long;
they are medium green to grayish blue, glabrous, and either flat or
furrowed in the middle; their tips are hull-shaped. The leaf sheaths
are medium green, longitudinally veined, glabrous, and rather loose;
the upper two-thirds of each sheath are open, while the lower one-third
is closed. The nodes are slightly swollen and dark-colored, while the
ligules are white-membranous.
Each culm terminates in an ovoid to
oblongoid panicle of spikelets or aerial bulblets. The typical panicle
is 1½-4" long and 1-1½" across; it has a slender central stalk (rachis)
and whorls of 2-3 wiry lateral branches that are more or less
horizontal below and ascending above. The lateral branches often divide
secondary branches that terminate in either flattened spikelets or
clusters of scaly bulblets; both spikelets and bulblet clusters
have short pedicels. Individual culms can produce all
spikelets, all bulblets, or a mixture of the two. In Illinois, most
culms produce only bulblets. When spikelets are produced, they are 4-6
mm. long, consisting of a pair of glumes at the bottom and 2-6 lemmas
above that have perfect florets. The glumes and lemmas are arranged
into two
ranks that are columnar and overlapping. The narrow glumes and lemmas
are keeled; the glumes are 2-3.5 mm. long, while the lemmas are 2.5-3.5
mm. long. In each spikelet, one glume is a little longer than the
other. Each lemma has a midvein along the keel and 2 marginal veins
that are minutely pubescent, at least along the lower half of each
vein (requires 10x magnification to see). Individual florets have
3 stamens and a pair of feathery stigmata.
The aerial bulblets are about 1/4" (6 mm.) long and 1/8" (3 mm.)
across; they have purple bases and greenish purple or greenish white
scales (modified
lemmas). At the apex of each bulblet,
one or more aerial basal leaves are produced that are green and
narrowly linear in shape; they are up to 1" long. Each cluster of
aerial bulblets
has a pair of glumes underneath that are lanceolate and
slightly succulent. When spikelets are
produced, the blooming period occurs during late spring or early
summer. The florets are wind-pollinated. In Illinois and other areas of
North America, relatively few spikelets produce grains. Aerial
bulblets also develop during the late spring and early summer; they
become mature later in the summer, becoming detached from the
mother plant. By forming rootlets in the ground, the bulblets are
capable of forming new clonal plants. The root system of a plant
consists of a
terrestrial bulb with secondary fibrous roots below. New bulbs are
often produced below ground as vegetative offsets.
Full sun to light shade, moist to dry conditions, and soil
containing sand, loam, clay, or gravel provide acceptable conditions
for growth and development, which occur primarily when the weather is
cool during the spring

and fall. When the weather becomes hot and dry
during the summer, this grass becomes dormant and turns brown, but it
will revive with the return of cool moist conditions.
& Habitat: The non-native Bulbous Bluegrass is
uncommon in Illinois, occurring in widely scattered areas.
However, it is likely that this Eurasian grass will become more common
in the future. Bulbous Bluegrass was introduced deliberately into the
United States to be used as a possible turf grass; it also may have
been introduced accidentally as a contaminant in grass and clover seed.
Habitats include weedy meadows, lawns, abandoned fields, roadsides,
areas near parking lots, thin woodlands, and waste areas. Degraded
habitats with a history of disturbance are preferred.
Associations: Insects that feed on bluegrasses (
Poa spp.)
Leptoterna dolobrata
(Meadow Plant Bug) and other plant bugs, the
graminum (Greenbug),
and other aphids. Many grasshoppers eat the foliage of
bluegrasses; they include
clavatus (Club-Horned
sulfurea (Sulfur-Winged Grasshopper),
simplex (Velvet-Striped Grasshopper),
Melanoplus foedus
(Striped Sand
Grasshopper), and
sanguinipes (Migratory Grasshopper). Other
insect feeders include the caterpillars of the butterflies
pegala (Common Wood Nymph) and
Megisto cymela
(Little Wood Satyr); also the caterpillars of several
skippers, including
hegon (Pepper-and-Salt Skipper),
(Common Roadside Skipper),
hobomok (Hobomok Skipper),
Polites peckius
(Peck's Skipper). Moth
caterpillars that feed on bluegrasses include
Feltia jaculifera
minians (Bronze Cutworm),
Parapediasia teterrella
(Bluegrass Webworm),
trisecta (Sod Webworm),
larentioides (Black-Banded Owlet), and
Thioptera nigrofimbria
(Black-Bordered Lemon Moth). Among these moth species, caterpillars of
the Black-Banded Owlet feed on dead leaves. Because the aerial bulblets
of Bulbous Bluegrass contain abundant starch and some fat, they are a
source of food to many vertebrate animals, including elk, deer, sheep,
upland gamebirds, deer-mice, and ground squirrels. Young foliage of
Bulbous Bluegrass is palatable to rabbits and hoofed mammalian
herbivores during the spring.
Location: Underneath some trees that were adjacent to a
parking lot at
the Oak Openings Nature Preserve in NW Ohio.
Like some species of onion and garlic (
Allium spp.),
Bulbous Bluegrass
produces aerial bulblets. Unlike many bulblet-producing species of
onion or garlic, this grass has flattened leaves that are not hollow,
and it lacks the distinctive scent of these species. Because
other grass species in Illinois don't produce aerial bulblets,
Bulbous Bluegrass can be easily distinguished from them whenever its
bulblets are present.