Flowering Plants Visited
by Myrmica americana

Myrmica americana Weber: Formicidae (Myrmicinae), Hymenoptera
(observations are from Wilhelm & Rericha; this ant sucks nectar from the flowers and extrafloral nectaries of some plants)

Asteraceae: Coreopsis lanceolata sn np (WR), Oligoneuron album sn np (WR); Boraginaceae: Lithospermum canescens sn np (WR), Lithospermum croceum sn gnw np (WR); Caesalpiniaceae: Chamaecrista fasciculata [exfl sn] (WR); Dennstaedtiaceae: Pteridium aquilinum latiusculum sn@exfl (WR); Euphorbiaceae: Euphorbia corollata sn np (WR); Fabaceae: Amorpha canescens sn (WR), Dalea candida sn np (WR), Dalea purpurea sn (WR); Lamiaceae: Monarda punctata sn np (WR); Rosaceae: Rubus michiganensis sn np (WR)
